The rite of passage of 'maturity exam: fact and fiction
Nico Carlucci
Italian students last year in high school are called, these days, such a test "end": the state exam. It is, in some ways, the celebration of a collective ritual. While presenting some variations from those that preceded it, it remains the same in the "representation" but also in the expectations and the expectations of both students and teachers.
It 's a party game where everyone has a preconceived role.
So Let's dive in his space and his time are sure that question, in fact, a rite of passage (van Gennep A.) that will mark, for many children, entry into employment or university.
The occasion of his maturity, ultimately, can become important to question and be questioned by the questions of the past suddenly become present. It 'an opportunity offering, for example, the human sciences, the Italian and the history, philosophy and ancient languages. But I wonder, so, in reality: 'It's really so? Perhaps, we will still be obliged to accept a fiction? "
The student has met during the year of the twentieth century in the most significant. The teacher allowed him to rebuild a cultural model that continues to speak to the hearts and minds of those studying for real. Yes, for those who study and still believes in a labor of dedication and commitment.
Why is this which must "be", for students who pass an examination for teachers that are experiencing a "communication".
We know, however, that since the end you live far from an ideal that I'm trying to draw here.
poems and narrative, writers and poets become intelligible if done through the cultural atmosphere that have shaped them and which were the major detectors.
In other words, the experiences of men and women of a certain period of history that makes us understand what was also their "genes" and at the same time their systems of power which first objected to their art, poetry, science.
So why not also use a state exam to relive the adventure of Italy in the past has been a bulwark of civilization? E 'possible?
must, of course, say, once again to "read", to question the "new" to those who came before us, to live their claim that, ultimately, is never "hit".
E 'only if the student recreates the sound of an era, the suggestion that the verse of the poet gives mathematical formulas along with a global cultural model that could be said not to have lost their time.
Under a sky that shine on the dream, the student will put in motion the power relays its programs by its selection of facts, information, concepts which give meaning intelligence.
And this will be through the 'power of light that lead to' thrill of a "theme", a style as would Anthropology (A. Kroeber).
The great adventure is that of 'meeting of knowledge, art and literature that now make sense if the student will discover those fine threads that unite them and make them interact.
But, perhaps, even with this article I have continued to build the dream, an "ideal world" where the sadness comes back to visit me.
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