Card Directive videophones
Who spread pictures with personal information of others not authorized - through the internet or mms - big risks, even at school: fines ranging from 3 to 18 000 €, or 5 to 30 thousand euro in more serious cases (which can be imposed by the guarantor of privacy) with disciplinary incumbent Instead the school. The autonomous schools also have the power to inhibit the establishment of regulations or impose certain precautions and appropriate use of multimedia, audio and video recordings, digital photographs inside the venue. It emphasizes the Minister of Education Giuseppe Fioroni in a directive sent to all schools, with the approval of the Supervisor of privacy.Sempre frequently happens that images and other conversations of students, teachers, people working to ' inside of the school community are, unbeknownst to them, wrongly distributed via the internet or through mutual exchanges of mms.Una uncontrolled circulation of films, recordings audio, digital photos - writes Fioroni - can lead to serious violations of the right to privacy and the protection of personal data involved, the more serious when it concerns information about the state of health, religious, political, labor or other sensitive data . consensoIl Minister of Information and makes it clear that in all these cases the code is applicable to data protection personali.In particular, are recalled the obligations of prior acquisition of the necessary information and consent by the person who collects and uses these personal data through mobile phones and other electronic devices. SanzioniL'inosservanza those obligations exposes students, or those who commit these transactions in the schools, the penalties provided by law, including the payment of a fine ranging from 3 to 18 000 Euros, or 5 to 30 thousand euro in the most personal and gravi.Uso limitiResta obviously lawful take pictures, record movies with your cell phone for personal use (for example, take a lesson the teacher for the purpose of study), but even in these cases, you must still comply with additional requirements in other rules other than those relating to privacy (for example, Article 10 of the Civil Code "abuse of other people," or, in reference to other recent news stories, Article 528 of the Criminal Code "obscene publications" .) The Minister, on the basis of current laws and rulings of the Supervisor, states that the collection, reporting and possible dissemination of images and sounds within schools should have in place, however, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms of the persons concerned , and that the image of others can be used by students only in the manner and extent permitted by the law. The powers of the schools Directive focuses on the fact that educational institutions have autonomous power in the rules of organization inhibit or impose certain precautions and appropriate use of MMS, recording audio and video, digital photos within the premises the school. The invasion of privacy is also a breach of discipline Minister recalled that the Statute for the students are entitled to the right to confidentiality and the duty to observe against the head teacher, teachers, staff and all their comrades who ask the same respect if stessi.L for 'misuse of camera phones by students, emphasizes the extent the Directive, not only constitutes an unlawful processing of personal data, but also a severe lack a disciplinary. Hence the need that such conduct is punished with severity and severity of school regulations. More training and informazioneIl ministry will cooperate with the Guarantor to promote all initiatives necessary to inform and train school principals, teachers and students on issues of privacy.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
How Much Is Teeth Cleaning In Edmonton
Law Directive legality
Prot No. 5843/A3 Rome, October 16, 2006 THE MINISTER
guidelines on democratic citizenship and legality
Considering the Constitution of the Italian Republic Article
VISA. 21 of Law No 59, March 15, 1997, which recognizes legal personality
to all schools and establish its independence as a guarantee of freedom
teaching and cultural pluralism;
GIVEN the Decree of the President of the Republic No. 275, 8 March 1999 that regulates
teaching autonomy, organizational and research,
experimentation and development of educational institutions;
As the international documents, recommendations of the 'UNESCO and
Community Guidelines constitute a general framework for placing the'
citizenship education and the legality and values \u200b\u200bassociated therewith, in a broader context
more educational and cultural
GIVEN the White Paper "A new impetus for European youth" presented on 21 November 2001
by the EU Commission, which considers that the participation of
young people should be encouraged by strengthening
of structures in which young people can be heard and that information is essential
the development of active citizenship;
CONSIDERING that the European Parliament in its resolution on the White Paper (OJ C 180 E, 31.7.2003
) stressed the important role played by international and European youth organizations
to enable young people to participate permanently and
actively in democratic life in Europe and to exercise, in society, a role players
as the Council of Europe has proclaimed 2005 "European Year of
democratic citizenship through education", with the '
aim to engage the educational and training institutions so that they are places of culture diffusion
legality, citizenship, of civil coexistence and sharing; VISTA
the European Commission's Communication to the Council and European Parliament
8 September 2006
efficiency and equity of education and training, essential for economic growth, employment and
social cohesion;
VIEW of the common position of the European Parliament and Council Decision adopting
, establishing for the period 2007-2013 the
Action Programme "Europe for Citizens", aimed
the promotion of active citizenship and therefore the development of a sense of belonging to a society based on
principles of freedom, democracy and respect for human rights, cultural diversity
, tolerance and solidarity, the principles stated in the Charter of Fundamental Rights
the European Union, proclaimed on 7 December 2000;
WHEREAS the widespread malaise among young people, in school and society, which
on a multitude of shapes and sizes: the 'early school leavers, the
poor school performance, learning difficulties, escape from
rules of civil and social life, giving rise to bullying, to petty,
of conflict more or less latent
view of the availability of phenomena in our country of poverty, marginalization and
lawlessness that feed the sense of insecurity and precariousness
generating an attitude of distrust of institutions and distrust in the standards
CONSIDERING that Italy has a social and economic fabric
increasingly multiethnic and multicultural strengthens need for confrontation and dialogue, and
the exercise of the right to diversity;
As these changes to social, cultural, economic and
the complexities that characterize modern societies have led to processes of innovation and transformation
significant educational systems of all countries
making it necessary to redefine the very concept of citizenship, of law and democracy
also through the recognition of the role of student
in the life of the school and community;
whereas there is a strong correlation between democracy, knowledge of
rights and obligations, justice and legal understanding, it as an instrument of freedom,
choice, participation, trust in institutions;
TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that the law takes the form of principles, shared values \u200b\u200band rules
involving the possibility of access to knowledge of rights and duties, but also participation
informed and constructive in society and the political-institutional
CONSIDERED that the school, institutional forum for education and teaching,
must take responsibility for contributing to social cohesion through
attention to the differences between generations, genders, ethnicities, languages, religions and cultures, a commitment to review the training needs of
reference area compared to the wider
national, European and world economy, the search for appropriate strategies that can
to encourage the participation of all pupils and students in their educational process
-training and life of the school community;
CONSIDERING that the culture of democracy and participation,
legality and liability of respect for oneself and of others,
cooperation and solidarity is built by experience, to live in a privileged school
WHEREAS the cultural background of young people is the result of interaction between formal and informal learning
and formal and that the culture of citizenship and legality
is the result of 'experience and knowledge acquired
even outside of school;
RESTRAINT education law an educational dimension to the cross
knowledge and pragmatic at the same time opportunities to enhance the capacity of the school
interpret and act on complex
reality of the contemporary world and understand their problems;
CONSIDERING the necessity to promote the active participation of young people in
European integration and a better understanding of cultural diversity and common values \u200b\u200bEuropean
, supporting human rights and the fight against
the racism, xenophobia and antisemitism;
WHEREAS the answers to the problems posed by today's society,
common to all countries, must invest the way of thinking and acting of all citizens and must involve a radical change
in attitudes and behaviors
individual and collective, the most significant interventions implemented to 'internal
school should involve all stakeholders in the 'education from the family;
To define the concept of democracy is closely linked with that of
citizenship, understood not only as a set of obligations that we all have, but also
in the sense that, as citizens, we must be active participants in democracy and therefore subject
responsible for teaching citizenship is, and remains,
one of the primary goals of 'education and training;
CONSIDERING that education for democracy and the rule of law is in
eagerness of the students and students of a privileged and that dirittidoveri
of citizenship takes place in compliance and participation in
of all citizens in civic life, social, political and economic
WHEREAS recognition of the differences is a value-added
democracy and the principle of equality is a cornerstone of the Constitution
Italian, as an opportunity to offer all citizens according to a logic
distribution, but as an offering individualized, taking into account the specificities and characteristics of each
ADOPTED this document address containing the guidelines and guidance on Citizenship
democracy and legality.
1) - Purpose
claims and the guidelines suggested here is
move on the path already taken by many schools that have experiences and achieve excellent
showing sensitivity to the needs of young people and adults,
commitment to innovation and educational research, ability to deal with complex phenomena
and difficult to resolve. It starts from the existing opportunities to strengthen the school
to open to the outside world, in a logic of educational community to 'internal
which students and female students are the central subject of' education and of '
The hypothesis is that the school becomes a community in which we grow on the human and cultural
, one experiences of civil society and solidarity, including in respect of individual
individuality and personal stories.
1.1 - The schools of all levels, in
autonomy and diversity of its forms, promote the conditions to ensure that the
law and democracy are a common practice in the school community and
learning processes with the aim to train people and towns
supportive and responsible, open to other cultures and free to express feelings, emotions and expectations
able to manage conflict and uncertainty and make decisions and take independent decisions
acting responsibly to affirm the values \u200b\u200bof freedom and justice
should be promoted, in this context, the opportunities for informal learning and formal
, is all 'inside of the school and outside it, and be encouraged
the interaction between formal and informal learning.
1.2 - Each school must assume the responsibility for learning and commitment to
each student and inform his work with the rules of transparency, participation and respect for
individual to develop or strengthen
in each of his actors - from Headmaster administrative staff, from teachers to students and their families
- the sense of belonging to a community
rapidly evolving demands of all citizens and especially young people
ability to listen and action, while respecting the freedom of all, in a local, national and international
as a place of relationships and knowledge of meetings
cultural and social practices of solidarity.
2) - Practical Guidelines
If legality is the value of the rule, an instrument of freedom, choice,
participation, trust in institutions and therefore also in schools, implementation of the general
it can not be based on the knowledge,
the know, the good culture. To experience the legality
to school, you need the competition of several elements: the
sharing rules, participation in choices and decisions, the sharing of knowledge and
way to go and instruments to be truly free to use
but also be able to discuss, assess and evaluate
know, how to deal with the opinions of others, knowing
open to dialogue and the relationship in a cross-cultural logic.
The school is open to the outside world, and in constant interaction with family and
all players in the territory becomes a place of encounter and exchange of reports and
occasions, multiplying the opportunities for learning and facilitating dialogue between young
and institutions, among peers, across generations and cultures, ensuring
ability to communicate in a constructive way and to place themselves in a critical but respectful of
front of the 'other.
must therefore be promoted and organizational planning skills
that schools also play in relation to specific territorial characteristics and the close connection with
families, local authorities, the territory as a whole. The construction of
synergy of action between curricular and extracurricular activities, the construction of
paths of knowledge aimed at facilitating the 'acquisition of instruments of self-judgment
el' internalization of the values \u200b\u200bof democracy, cooperation, peace,
are some of the objectives that the school is pursuing.
We move in this direction and coordination of initiatives at the institutional level
is a key condition for addressing the 'education
legality and commitments as a problem involving all actors in social
L 'institutional commitment to counter the discomfort, the' marginalization 's
exclusion, to remove a hazard with the' objective of promoting educational success for all
and each must be aligned to break the mesh that
"spider web" of silence and ignorance through which the 'illegality
draws its sap.
The recent legislation provides students with concrete tools to participate
responsibility and awareness in school life, exercising rights and duties and acting as an active
that with the same dignity as all other school subjects
3) - The POF
This is the fundamental document of every school.
contains analysis of the context in which it operates, the priorities, objectives and results
achieved, the teaching strategies and assessment be adopted, the activities to be performed, the resources available
in terms of environment, equipment, space, expertise and external collaboration
activated and activate.
The effectiveness of POF is related to the process that led to the elaboration.
Therefore, a school as a community, where you reinforce the sense of belonging
, where everyone, young, young people and adults, be well, live the
own identity, and recognize that of others, is a school that promotes a wide
planning existential and strengthening the sense of reality by investing in educational
This centrality needs to be shared by all those who work there, families, students and all
should be taken as priority, in accordance
the powers and duties of each.
4) - The welcome
is the instrument by which the school, to welcome, know and appreciate all contributions
of individual pupils, including those of different cultures and abilities. In this operation,
also the weakest and most defenseless person must feel the "expected", or rather, according to Don Milani
lesson, "the favorite." Each must find human warmth and cordiality,
must have the opportunity to be heard and have appropriate responses to their needs
must feel part of an organized and industrious.
A school that knows how to take care of the cleanliness and attractiveness of host environments
taking advantage of the creativity of students and students who, by virtue of
their own contribution, do not feel left out, should promote information and communication
; give space activities in which everyone can express themselves freely using those skills
informal and non-formal and very often are not valued
, take on tasks and functions to the community school.
5) - The organization of school life
This is about teaching, extracurricular activities, assessment, use of
spaces (laboratories, auditorium, library, gym, classrooms), the school calendar and
the class schedule, duties and functions of school personnel, communication
in the school, with families and with external actors, documentation
administrative and teaching.
All must be oriented to the quality of learning and appreciation
resources, equipment and professional, and each school has. Each component
school, as part of their duties and responsibilities, should be
and feel part of the overall organization and its functioning.
transparency, flexibility and active participation should characterize any
choice, including the one to suggest possible adjustments to be made in relation to
assessment of the organizational structure, variable
fundamental quality of each school.
L 'education in the legal premise is transverse dimension of the' full path
training and an organic part of curricular activities that may constitute
axis and provided for the training of critical autonomous pluralistic, open
knowledge, willing to face reality , to defend its identity, in
able to acknowledge, define, to live the values \u200b\u200bof democracy in
conscious way transfer the principles into everyday practice.
6) - The network of relations
The experiences of adjustment in interpersonal relationships and the role of different
generations, children, youth and adults, constitute the basic experience for
birth and development of positive attitudes towards the rules and
social practices. Therefore, the willingness to listen, by comparison, attention to
points of view, sensitivity and cultural models, participation in decision-making processes
must adjust the relationship between students and director
school students and teachers, between management and staff, including school and family.
These are the conditions for being part of a community and develop a sense of belonging
7) - The approach to knowledge
The knowledge is the foundation of knowledge and contribute to
possession of the keys to understanding the reality in its various dimensions.
discover and learn the fundamentals of the disciplines, their languages \u200b\u200band
rules that underlie the formation of knowledge is experience that develops
powers, independence of opinion, critical thinking, study methods, ability to learn and
, at the same time, promotes self-awareness and self-esteem and
directs the planning staff. They should therefore be preferred
methodologies that promote the leadership and promote the spirit of research.
8) - knowledge for the legality
Special attention needs to have for historical knowledge that gives depth to the stories
individual and the collective, which gives meaning to the present and allows you to navigate in a dimension
future. Also knowledge of the Constitution of
institutions responsible for regulating civil relations, social and economic
are essential and must be part of the cultural background of young people. The
knowledge of the social context in which young people move and act
can not ignore the knowledge of the dynamics of European and international
other languages, cultures and religions, gained through the ability to access and use of
all cultural and geographical mobility opportunities exist.
interventions will be developed on multiple levels, from the communications media, to the knowledge of the area and
's environment and will focus on issues
education in law, active citizenship, with particular attention to
European dimension. In this context it is necessary to promote opportunities for
informal and involve discussion of the various themes proposed
through the direct involvement of youth groups in the
in the city and venues. Compared to the promotion of opportunities
more structured and formal learning could take a significant centrality
ways and means to facilitate the
discussions, meetings, exchanges and involving schools, universities, youth
aggregation (eg Resource Centres created by the Objective 1 Measure 4 - National
To educate for democracy, legality, citizenship
can be used and exploited all the different forms of expression
students and female students.
9) - The evaluation
Each educational institution must give a prominent role in the evaluation of the effectiveness
, efficiency and equity of its educational service and training. Therefore
school life, the multiplicity of its size and the agents who operate
, including students and parents, should be monitored on the basis of indicators
to all the variables that promote and contribute to the learning of other students.
The reading of data will proceed with the assessment that, in this case, you
characterized as self-assessment.
Especially with regard to learning, should be given the right space to
involvement of the pupils and guides them through the reconstruction of their
school experience, self,
essential to become aware of themselves, their capabilities and especially its growth.
The secondary school level, considering the age of the students,
will find the most appropriate ways to involve students and students already in
definition of indicators covering all the factors that give effect
efficiency and the quality of the school and of learning, thus, clearly knowing
aspects and dynamics of the school situation,
learn to take responsibility for their actions, to feel a real part of a structure
learning organizations.
10) - The formation of school staff
The realization of the goals and pursue strategies to be adopted and partnerships to enable
to translate the principles of citizenship, democracy and legality in
cultural heritage of each, in behavior and way of life is linked to
involvement of all school personnel, to his sensitivity, growth
professional. To this end, the training assumes a role of primary importance
. It is anchored to the life experiences and professional individuals, to give
the cognitive tools necessary to allow for reflection on issues
more closely related to the law, intercultural education and active citizenship
, stimulate thought, orient educational research and especially teaching,
way that enriches, and produces substantial changes.
The biggest challenge involves teachers in all subject areas, which must seek
and enhance the content, methods and forms of reporting and assessment of learning
that foster greater participation and involvement of pupils
, the perception of feel good at school, the feeling of being in a community that welcomes
, which puts into practice the rules of civil and social life, which
dialogue with institutions and with civil society organizations, who can learn.
11) - Opening school families and the territory
The family and the land are two strengths that the school should not neglect
. The success of its work also depends on the degree of involvement
families, the ability to locate resources in the surrounding area,
to collaborate with the many groups that work for the legality,
understood in its broadest sense, and that working in the social fabric for young people and youth.
should give ample room for single parents or members, taking into account the realities
exist and operate in the territory, the actions carried out or under construction
(See Parent Project) strengthening the content and providing coherent, non-overlapping
, they see the 'integration of resources rather than their
E 'is necessary, therefore, encourage parental involvement with the aim of
closer to the school and enables them to participate not only Circulation
their children's schooling, but of all that the school owns and operates.
They must be given the opportunity to find the school environment
opportunity for discussion and dialogue, knowledge, participation in initiatives and activities, using the
wealth of skills that every adult has.
in this direction should be designed interventions
awareness and training aimed at fostering, including parents, on reflection
problems of young people and on issues of civic and democratic life.
same space should be given to relations with the territory, which must look to
school as a common good, such a place open to the stresses
external, available to provide space, equipment and expertise. The school, meanwhile his
must live the territory as a meeting place and knowledge, solidarity
ground, testing area. Therefore necessary to encourage all initiatives that bring students
any level outside of school, in the sense that they must confront the life
public know and experience the benefits of the association,
engage in volunteer activities. Hence the importance of building a vast network of
relations with other schools, with groups that oppose any form of
denial of human rights, volunteers, witnessing the
value of civic engagement and social and solidarity.
12) - Students el 'associations
Another element not to overlook is the promotion of youth gathering. In this
student associations and the Provincial Board of
students can make a great contribution of ideas and knowledge of youth and its
needs, awareness-raising, even for the adult world.
The school must be the reference point of these aggregations,
meet, communicate and collaborate, offering resources, spaces and tools for
meetings and initiatives.
a priority in this context must be to promote more
large projects, the ability to take a proactive role active and involved,
but also the ability to co-manage, organize, experience.
would therefore be appropriate:
! implement pilot projects to see the direct involvement of young people in
their various meeting places and through their various forms of expression
! test new intervention strategies in schools and extracurricular
, local, national and European level which will entail the involvement of
institutions, schools, the Provincial Board of
Students and Youth Associations to create shared training
education law.
13) - The European and international cooperation
A contribution to the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes that
will help young people to become citizens and to play a role in society, can
come from European and international cooperation.
Surveys conducted by the Council of Europe on education for democratic citizenship
may represent a valuable stimulus for teachers to deepen
the theoretical areas and know the many experiences of several countries belonging to the EU
addition, participation in European programs is a viable and significant opportunity to define and implement
with schools in other countries
teaching strategies aimed at the comparison between cultures and exchanges between young people and encourage intercultural dialogue
spaces that projects with a European dimension to mobility can not devote
that enrich their knowledge through direct experience and overcoming the
through a comparison with other traditions, mentalities and attitudes, stereotypes
which often form the basis of intolerance, xenophobia and racism.
14) - Actions at national, regional and provincial
Educating for legality - it 's the main objective of citizenship education -
can take many forms and a variety of aspects that go:
voluntary association, to the team of your school, theatrical activities, by 'opening
spaces of the school in the afternoon, writing shared Regulations
institution based on the principles of the Charter of Student and Student.
The Ministry of Education, promoting the natural evolution
by the 'education' to the law towards a "culture of legality as
widespread practice of the school community in which student participation becomes central
time, promotes and supports the work of educational institutions
through the implementation of the following actions: •
signing agreements and arrangements with the Ministry 's Interior, Justice and Social Policy
, with the Department for equal opportunities to implement actions
joint and coordinated in their competence, aimed at removing obstacles
conditions that favor of discomfort and denial of rights,
• establishing the National Day of Citizenship and legality in a given
to identify, in consultation with the Conference of Presidents of Regions and Autonomous Provinces
• coordinates efforts to monitor ex ante, ongoing, ex post and
assessment of school experiences, including a European dimension.
to promote their dissemination and use, in cooperation with the regional and provincial education offices
• Starts cooperation agreements with associations / organizations / institutions dealing with education
legality and fight against the mafia;
• strengthening the role and tasks of the Forum of Associations students, the Provincial Board of
students, including through more effective and robust
interaction between all the bodies of existing student representation. The
student participation in school life that is expressed not only through
forms of representation provided (from the Institute of the National Conference of
presidency of the Council) should be promoted and valued as an essential resource for determining
and start processes aware of democracy and shared. In this
framework aims to promote a closer and more fruitful contact with
European youth organizations and identify tools and strategies aimed at promoting the
' young people's access to opportunities for study and exchange of mobility and transnational cooperation
• promotes a culture of participation and collaboration through
the involvement of associations of students, parents, social workers, public and private institutions
operating in 'field of the promotion of legality and
defense of victims of' illegality of 'injustice and tyranny;
• provides, considering the complexity of the issues, the establishment of
working groups at national and regional (inside of which give space to the provincial Council
of students, parents' associations, representatives of
Bodies) to ensure concrete actions such as:
- regular meetings and discussions also virtual (eg construction of a "horizontal portal"
representing the meeting point of the working groups national and regional);
- "intranet" service aimed at creating a constant exchange and updated
information between partners and to remotely manage all stages of work;
The central offices, regional and provincial Ministry, in each '
scope of their skills, support educational institutions in the form and the mode of sharing and
with tools that aid coordination.
Giuseppe Fioroni
Prot No. 5843/A3 Rome, October 16, 2006 THE MINISTER
guidelines on democratic citizenship and legality
Considering the Constitution of the Italian Republic Article
VISA. 21 of Law No 59, March 15, 1997, which recognizes legal personality
to all schools and establish its independence as a guarantee of freedom
teaching and cultural pluralism;
GIVEN the Decree of the President of the Republic No. 275, 8 March 1999 that regulates
teaching autonomy, organizational and research,
experimentation and development of educational institutions;
As the international documents, recommendations of the 'UNESCO and
Community Guidelines constitute a general framework for placing the'
citizenship education and the legality and values \u200b\u200bassociated therewith, in a broader context
more educational and cultural
GIVEN the White Paper "A new impetus for European youth" presented on 21 November 2001
by the EU Commission, which considers that the participation of
young people should be encouraged by strengthening
of structures in which young people can be heard and that information is essential
the development of active citizenship;
CONSIDERING that the European Parliament in its resolution on the White Paper (OJ C 180 E, 31.7.2003
) stressed the important role played by international and European youth organizations
to enable young people to participate permanently and
actively in democratic life in Europe and to exercise, in society, a role players
as the Council of Europe has proclaimed 2005 "European Year of
democratic citizenship through education", with the '
aim to engage the educational and training institutions so that they are places of culture diffusion
legality, citizenship, of civil coexistence and sharing; VISTA
the European Commission's Communication to the Council and European Parliament
8 September 2006
efficiency and equity of education and training, essential for economic growth, employment and
social cohesion;
VIEW of the common position of the European Parliament and Council Decision adopting
, establishing for the period 2007-2013 the
Action Programme "Europe for Citizens", aimed
the promotion of active citizenship and therefore the development of a sense of belonging to a society based on
principles of freedom, democracy and respect for human rights, cultural diversity
, tolerance and solidarity, the principles stated in the Charter of Fundamental Rights
the European Union, proclaimed on 7 December 2000;
WHEREAS the widespread malaise among young people, in school and society, which
on a multitude of shapes and sizes: the 'early school leavers, the
poor school performance, learning difficulties, escape from
rules of civil and social life, giving rise to bullying, to petty,
of conflict more or less latent
view of the availability of phenomena in our country of poverty, marginalization and
lawlessness that feed the sense of insecurity and precariousness
generating an attitude of distrust of institutions and distrust in the standards
CONSIDERING that Italy has a social and economic fabric
increasingly multiethnic and multicultural strengthens need for confrontation and dialogue, and
the exercise of the right to diversity;
As these changes to social, cultural, economic and
the complexities that characterize modern societies have led to processes of innovation and transformation
significant educational systems of all countries
making it necessary to redefine the very concept of citizenship, of law and democracy
also through the recognition of the role of student
in the life of the school and community;
whereas there is a strong correlation between democracy, knowledge of
rights and obligations, justice and legal understanding, it as an instrument of freedom,
choice, participation, trust in institutions;
TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that the law takes the form of principles, shared values \u200b\u200band rules
involving the possibility of access to knowledge of rights and duties, but also participation
informed and constructive in society and the political-institutional
CONSIDERED that the school, institutional forum for education and teaching,
must take responsibility for contributing to social cohesion through
attention to the differences between generations, genders, ethnicities, languages, religions and cultures, a commitment to review the training needs of
reference area compared to the wider
national, European and world economy, the search for appropriate strategies that can
to encourage the participation of all pupils and students in their educational process
-training and life of the school community;
CONSIDERING that the culture of democracy and participation,
legality and liability of respect for oneself and of others,
cooperation and solidarity is built by experience, to live in a privileged school
WHEREAS the cultural background of young people is the result of interaction between formal and informal learning
and formal and that the culture of citizenship and legality
is the result of 'experience and knowledge acquired
even outside of school;
RESTRAINT education law an educational dimension to the cross
knowledge and pragmatic at the same time opportunities to enhance the capacity of the school
interpret and act on complex
reality of the contemporary world and understand their problems;
CONSIDERING the necessity to promote the active participation of young people in
European integration and a better understanding of cultural diversity and common values \u200b\u200bEuropean
, supporting human rights and the fight against
the racism, xenophobia and antisemitism;
WHEREAS the answers to the problems posed by today's society,
common to all countries, must invest the way of thinking and acting of all citizens and must involve a radical change
in attitudes and behaviors
individual and collective, the most significant interventions implemented to 'internal
school should involve all stakeholders in the 'education from the family;
To define the concept of democracy is closely linked with that of
citizenship, understood not only as a set of obligations that we all have, but also
in the sense that, as citizens, we must be active participants in democracy and therefore subject
responsible for teaching citizenship is, and remains,
one of the primary goals of 'education and training;
CONSIDERING that education for democracy and the rule of law is in
eagerness of the students and students of a privileged and that dirittidoveri
of citizenship takes place in compliance and participation in
of all citizens in civic life, social, political and economic
WHEREAS recognition of the differences is a value-added
democracy and the principle of equality is a cornerstone of the Constitution
Italian, as an opportunity to offer all citizens according to a logic
distribution, but as an offering individualized, taking into account the specificities and characteristics of each
ADOPTED this document address containing the guidelines and guidance on Citizenship
democracy and legality.
1) - Purpose
claims and the guidelines suggested here is
move on the path already taken by many schools that have experiences and achieve excellent
showing sensitivity to the needs of young people and adults,
commitment to innovation and educational research, ability to deal with complex phenomena
and difficult to resolve. It starts from the existing opportunities to strengthen the school
to open to the outside world, in a logic of educational community to 'internal
which students and female students are the central subject of' education and of '
The hypothesis is that the school becomes a community in which we grow on the human and cultural
, one experiences of civil society and solidarity, including in respect of individual
individuality and personal stories.
1.1 - The schools of all levels, in
autonomy and diversity of its forms, promote the conditions to ensure that the
law and democracy are a common practice in the school community and
learning processes with the aim to train people and towns
supportive and responsible, open to other cultures and free to express feelings, emotions and expectations
able to manage conflict and uncertainty and make decisions and take independent decisions
acting responsibly to affirm the values \u200b\u200bof freedom and justice
should be promoted, in this context, the opportunities for informal learning and formal
, is all 'inside of the school and outside it, and be encouraged
the interaction between formal and informal learning.
1.2 - Each school must assume the responsibility for learning and commitment to
each student and inform his work with the rules of transparency, participation and respect for
individual to develop or strengthen
in each of his actors - from Headmaster administrative staff, from teachers to students and their families
- the sense of belonging to a community
rapidly evolving demands of all citizens and especially young people
ability to listen and action, while respecting the freedom of all, in a local, national and international
as a place of relationships and knowledge of meetings
cultural and social practices of solidarity.
2) - Practical Guidelines
If legality is the value of the rule, an instrument of freedom, choice,
participation, trust in institutions and therefore also in schools, implementation of the general
it can not be based on the knowledge,
the know, the good culture. To experience the legality
to school, you need the competition of several elements: the
sharing rules, participation in choices and decisions, the sharing of knowledge and
way to go and instruments to be truly free to use
but also be able to discuss, assess and evaluate
know, how to deal with the opinions of others, knowing
open to dialogue and the relationship in a cross-cultural logic.
The school is open to the outside world, and in constant interaction with family and
all players in the territory becomes a place of encounter and exchange of reports and
occasions, multiplying the opportunities for learning and facilitating dialogue between young
and institutions, among peers, across generations and cultures, ensuring
ability to communicate in a constructive way and to place themselves in a critical but respectful of
front of the 'other.
must therefore be promoted and organizational planning skills
that schools also play in relation to specific territorial characteristics and the close connection with
families, local authorities, the territory as a whole. The construction of
synergy of action between curricular and extracurricular activities, the construction of
paths of knowledge aimed at facilitating the 'acquisition of instruments of self-judgment
el' internalization of the values \u200b\u200bof democracy, cooperation, peace,
are some of the objectives that the school is pursuing.
We move in this direction and coordination of initiatives at the institutional level
is a key condition for addressing the 'education
legality and commitments as a problem involving all actors in social
L 'institutional commitment to counter the discomfort, the' marginalization 's
exclusion, to remove a hazard with the' objective of promoting educational success for all
and each must be aligned to break the mesh that
"spider web" of silence and ignorance through which the 'illegality
draws its sap.
The recent legislation provides students with concrete tools to participate
responsibility and awareness in school life, exercising rights and duties and acting as an active
that with the same dignity as all other school subjects
3) - The POF
This is the fundamental document of every school.
contains analysis of the context in which it operates, the priorities, objectives and results
achieved, the teaching strategies and assessment be adopted, the activities to be performed, the resources available
in terms of environment, equipment, space, expertise and external collaboration
activated and activate.
The effectiveness of POF is related to the process that led to the elaboration.
Therefore, a school as a community, where you reinforce the sense of belonging
, where everyone, young, young people and adults, be well, live the
own identity, and recognize that of others, is a school that promotes a wide
planning existential and strengthening the sense of reality by investing in educational
This centrality needs to be shared by all those who work there, families, students and all
should be taken as priority, in accordance
the powers and duties of each.
4) - The welcome
is the instrument by which the school, to welcome, know and appreciate all contributions
of individual pupils, including those of different cultures and abilities. In this operation,
also the weakest and most defenseless person must feel the "expected", or rather, according to Don Milani
lesson, "the favorite." Each must find human warmth and cordiality,
must have the opportunity to be heard and have appropriate responses to their needs
must feel part of an organized and industrious.
A school that knows how to take care of the cleanliness and attractiveness of host environments
taking advantage of the creativity of students and students who, by virtue of
their own contribution, do not feel left out, should promote information and communication
; give space activities in which everyone can express themselves freely using those skills
informal and non-formal and very often are not valued
, take on tasks and functions to the community school.
5) - The organization of school life
This is about teaching, extracurricular activities, assessment, use of
spaces (laboratories, auditorium, library, gym, classrooms), the school calendar and
the class schedule, duties and functions of school personnel, communication
in the school, with families and with external actors, documentation
administrative and teaching.
All must be oriented to the quality of learning and appreciation
resources, equipment and professional, and each school has. Each component
school, as part of their duties and responsibilities, should be
and feel part of the overall organization and its functioning.
transparency, flexibility and active participation should characterize any
choice, including the one to suggest possible adjustments to be made in relation to
assessment of the organizational structure, variable
fundamental quality of each school.
L 'education in the legal premise is transverse dimension of the' full path
training and an organic part of curricular activities that may constitute
axis and provided for the training of critical autonomous pluralistic, open
knowledge, willing to face reality , to defend its identity, in
able to acknowledge, define, to live the values \u200b\u200bof democracy in
conscious way transfer the principles into everyday practice.
6) - The network of relations
The experiences of adjustment in interpersonal relationships and the role of different
generations, children, youth and adults, constitute the basic experience for
birth and development of positive attitudes towards the rules and
social practices. Therefore, the willingness to listen, by comparison, attention to
points of view, sensitivity and cultural models, participation in decision-making processes
must adjust the relationship between students and director
school students and teachers, between management and staff, including school and family.
These are the conditions for being part of a community and develop a sense of belonging
7) - The approach to knowledge
The knowledge is the foundation of knowledge and contribute to
possession of the keys to understanding the reality in its various dimensions.
discover and learn the fundamentals of the disciplines, their languages \u200b\u200band
rules that underlie the formation of knowledge is experience that develops
powers, independence of opinion, critical thinking, study methods, ability to learn and
, at the same time, promotes self-awareness and self-esteem and
directs the planning staff. They should therefore be preferred
methodologies that promote the leadership and promote the spirit of research.
8) - knowledge for the legality
Special attention needs to have for historical knowledge that gives depth to the stories
individual and the collective, which gives meaning to the present and allows you to navigate in a dimension
future. Also knowledge of the Constitution of
institutions responsible for regulating civil relations, social and economic
are essential and must be part of the cultural background of young people. The
knowledge of the social context in which young people move and act
can not ignore the knowledge of the dynamics of European and international
other languages, cultures and religions, gained through the ability to access and use of
all cultural and geographical mobility opportunities exist.
interventions will be developed on multiple levels, from the communications media, to the knowledge of the area and
's environment and will focus on issues
education in law, active citizenship, with particular attention to
European dimension. In this context it is necessary to promote opportunities for
informal and involve discussion of the various themes proposed
through the direct involvement of youth groups in the
in the city and venues. Compared to the promotion of opportunities
more structured and formal learning could take a significant centrality
ways and means to facilitate the
discussions, meetings, exchanges and involving schools, universities, youth
aggregation (eg Resource Centres created by the Objective 1 Measure 4 - National
To educate for democracy, legality, citizenship
can be used and exploited all the different forms of expression
students and female students.
9) - The evaluation
Each educational institution must give a prominent role in the evaluation of the effectiveness
, efficiency and equity of its educational service and training. Therefore
school life, the multiplicity of its size and the agents who operate
, including students and parents, should be monitored on the basis of indicators
to all the variables that promote and contribute to the learning of other students.
The reading of data will proceed with the assessment that, in this case, you
characterized as self-assessment.
Especially with regard to learning, should be given the right space to
involvement of the pupils and guides them through the reconstruction of their
school experience, self,
essential to become aware of themselves, their capabilities and especially its growth.
The secondary school level, considering the age of the students,
will find the most appropriate ways to involve students and students already in
definition of indicators covering all the factors that give effect
efficiency and the quality of the school and of learning, thus, clearly knowing
aspects and dynamics of the school situation,
learn to take responsibility for their actions, to feel a real part of a structure
learning organizations.
10) - The formation of school staff
The realization of the goals and pursue strategies to be adopted and partnerships to enable
to translate the principles of citizenship, democracy and legality in
cultural heritage of each, in behavior and way of life is linked to
involvement of all school personnel, to his sensitivity, growth
professional. To this end, the training assumes a role of primary importance
. It is anchored to the life experiences and professional individuals, to give
the cognitive tools necessary to allow for reflection on issues
more closely related to the law, intercultural education and active citizenship
, stimulate thought, orient educational research and especially teaching,
way that enriches, and produces substantial changes.
The biggest challenge involves teachers in all subject areas, which must seek
and enhance the content, methods and forms of reporting and assessment of learning
that foster greater participation and involvement of pupils
, the perception of feel good at school, the feeling of being in a community that welcomes
, which puts into practice the rules of civil and social life, which
dialogue with institutions and with civil society organizations, who can learn.
11) - Opening school families and the territory
The family and the land are two strengths that the school should not neglect
. The success of its work also depends on the degree of involvement
families, the ability to locate resources in the surrounding area,
to collaborate with the many groups that work for the legality,
understood in its broadest sense, and that working in the social fabric for young people and youth.
should give ample room for single parents or members, taking into account the realities
exist and operate in the territory, the actions carried out or under construction
(See Parent Project) strengthening the content and providing coherent, non-overlapping
, they see the 'integration of resources rather than their
E 'is necessary, therefore, encourage parental involvement with the aim of
closer to the school and enables them to participate not only Circulation
their children's schooling, but of all that the school owns and operates.
They must be given the opportunity to find the school environment
opportunity for discussion and dialogue, knowledge, participation in initiatives and activities, using the
wealth of skills that every adult has.
in this direction should be designed interventions
awareness and training aimed at fostering, including parents, on reflection
problems of young people and on issues of civic and democratic life.
same space should be given to relations with the territory, which must look to
school as a common good, such a place open to the stresses
external, available to provide space, equipment and expertise. The school, meanwhile his
must live the territory as a meeting place and knowledge, solidarity
ground, testing area. Therefore necessary to encourage all initiatives that bring students
any level outside of school, in the sense that they must confront the life
public know and experience the benefits of the association,
engage in volunteer activities. Hence the importance of building a vast network of
relations with other schools, with groups that oppose any form of
denial of human rights, volunteers, witnessing the
value of civic engagement and social and solidarity.
12) - Students el 'associations
Another element not to overlook is the promotion of youth gathering. In this
student associations and the Provincial Board of
students can make a great contribution of ideas and knowledge of youth and its
needs, awareness-raising, even for the adult world.
The school must be the reference point of these aggregations,
meet, communicate and collaborate, offering resources, spaces and tools for
meetings and initiatives.
a priority in this context must be to promote more
large projects, the ability to take a proactive role active and involved,
but also the ability to co-manage, organize, experience.
would therefore be appropriate:
! implement pilot projects to see the direct involvement of young people in
their various meeting places and through their various forms of expression
! test new intervention strategies in schools and extracurricular
, local, national and European level which will entail the involvement of
institutions, schools, the Provincial Board of
Students and Youth Associations to create shared training
education law.
13) - The European and international cooperation
A contribution to the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes that
will help young people to become citizens and to play a role in society, can
come from European and international cooperation.
Surveys conducted by the Council of Europe on education for democratic citizenship
may represent a valuable stimulus for teachers to deepen
the theoretical areas and know the many experiences of several countries belonging to the EU
addition, participation in European programs is a viable and significant opportunity to define and implement
with schools in other countries
teaching strategies aimed at the comparison between cultures and exchanges between young people and encourage intercultural dialogue
spaces that projects with a European dimension to mobility can not devote
that enrich their knowledge through direct experience and overcoming the
through a comparison with other traditions, mentalities and attitudes, stereotypes
which often form the basis of intolerance, xenophobia and racism.
14) - Actions at national, regional and provincial
Educating for legality - it 's the main objective of citizenship education -
can take many forms and a variety of aspects that go:
voluntary association, to the team of your school, theatrical activities, by 'opening
spaces of the school in the afternoon, writing shared Regulations
institution based on the principles of the Charter of Student and Student.
The Ministry of Education, promoting the natural evolution
by the 'education' to the law towards a "culture of legality as
widespread practice of the school community in which student participation becomes central
time, promotes and supports the work of educational institutions
through the implementation of the following actions: •
signing agreements and arrangements with the Ministry 's Interior, Justice and Social Policy
, with the Department for equal opportunities to implement actions
joint and coordinated in their competence, aimed at removing obstacles
conditions that favor of discomfort and denial of rights,
• establishing the National Day of Citizenship and legality in a given
to identify, in consultation with the Conference of Presidents of Regions and Autonomous Provinces
• coordinates efforts to monitor ex ante, ongoing, ex post and
assessment of school experiences, including a European dimension.
to promote their dissemination and use, in cooperation with the regional and provincial education offices
• Starts cooperation agreements with associations / organizations / institutions dealing with education
legality and fight against the mafia;
• strengthening the role and tasks of the Forum of Associations students, the Provincial Board of
students, including through more effective and robust
interaction between all the bodies of existing student representation. The
student participation in school life that is expressed not only through
forms of representation provided (from the Institute of the National Conference of
presidency of the Council) should be promoted and valued as an essential resource for determining
and start processes aware of democracy and shared. In this
framework aims to promote a closer and more fruitful contact with
European youth organizations and identify tools and strategies aimed at promoting the
' young people's access to opportunities for study and exchange of mobility and transnational cooperation
• promotes a culture of participation and collaboration through
the involvement of associations of students, parents, social workers, public and private institutions
operating in 'field of the promotion of legality and
defense of victims of' illegality of 'injustice and tyranny;
• provides, considering the complexity of the issues, the establishment of
working groups at national and regional (inside of which give space to the provincial Council
of students, parents' associations, representatives of
Bodies) to ensure concrete actions such as:
- regular meetings and discussions also virtual (eg construction of a "horizontal portal"
representing the meeting point of the working groups national and regional);
- "intranet" service aimed at creating a constant exchange and updated
information between partners and to remotely manage all stages of work;
The central offices, regional and provincial Ministry, in each '
scope of their skills, support educational institutions in the form and the mode of sharing and
with tools that aid coordination.
Giuseppe Fioroni
Perrier What Is It Good For?
Ministry of Education
Rome, November 30, 2007 Directive No.
WHEREAS the right to protection of personal data has
specific forms of protection because of the validity of specific provisions
legislation (most recently, as contained in "Code
protection of personal data," approved by d . lgs.
30 June 2003 No. 196) to ensure that the processing of personal data
be respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms
, and dignity, with particular
reference to privacy and personal identity;
WHEREAS the Ministry of Education aims to promote among students
the widest knowledge of the rights
constitutional significance, which is the right to protection of personal data,
in the belief that ' education for a culture of legality
must be done by actions to promote awareness and compliance with the laws
question and the students the right to privacy is enshrined in Article also explicitly
. 2, paragraph 2, of Presidential Decree No. 1998 June 24
249 (called "Charter of the female students and students"), called
art. 96, paragraph 2 of this Code;
WHEREAS within school communities, especially among young
, it is very common to use "mobile phones" or other electronic devices
finding that the rules of the sanctions applicable in respect of disciplinary
students for violating the ban on the use of
mobile phones or other electronic devices during the
teaching activities is left to the autonomous power
-regulatory organization of educational institutions in accordance with
clarified with the 'act of the Minister's address
Education prot. No 30/DIP/segr.
of 15 March 2007 concerning "guidelines and instructions in
on the use of mobile phones and other electronic devices during
teaching activities, impose disciplinary sanctions
, duty to supervise and co-responsibility of parents and
of teachers;
regulating the use of such equipment by the teaching staff is governed
well as organizational arrangements provided
the independent regulatory institution, by specific rules of conduct and disciplinary
, dictated by the state workers and the Negotiable
in line with the need to properly fulfill the duties
WHEREAS, irrespective of the above profiles organizzativisanzionatori
concerned with school and connected to a
misuse of mobile phones or other electronic devices designed to disrupt the
proper and peaceful conduct of
educational activities, there is the issue whether in a more general
under existing order, to be configurable
cases in contravention of the Data Protection
WHEREAS institutions School has become widespread and the social significance
phenomenon of using mobile phones or other electronic devices
, by students or other
players, to acquire, or rather "steal" data formats
audio, video or voice recording or reproducing image archive
or digital photographs related to people, students, teachers
, or other entities that operate within the school community
WHEREAS, these data are considered "personal information" within the meaning of Article
. 4, paragraph 1, letter b) of the said Code;
whereas the acquisition of the data mentioned above, even though they are inside
educational institutions, in many cases, it is
attributable to teaching activities, training or learning
own school
WHEREAS, the above data are frequently disseminated not only among
belonging to the same school community, but sometimes, even to an audience
of users through the use of telematic systems and the Internet;
WHEREAS, we are witnessing the growing popularity of the internet portals and web sites
"dedicated" intended to make public archive
or records relating to incidents in institutions
school or during periods of
educational or teaching activities, in some cases, also for purposes
disparaging personal dignity and social
students, including minors, and faculty;
CONSIDERING that the personal data mentioned above are in some cases
WHEREAS, in light of the above are necessary
further explanatory guidance, in addition to those already provided with the
a general measure of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data of 20
January 2005
with the previous decision of March 12, 2003, with particular reference to cases
concrete that are in the form of schools
CONSIDERING the need to provide appropriate explanations explanatory of
existing legislation in order to promote full respect for the discipline
data protection and to inform individuals of the school community about the consequences
sanctions that may arise against those infringing the
right to protection of personal data;
CONSIDERING the opportunity to engage in information activities in schools
in order to prevent the phenomenon of violation of the right to the protection of fundamental
personal data, derived
constitutional by the students
and other subjects of the school community;
Considering the Code regarding the protection of personal data (Legislative Decree no.
30 June 2003, n. 196);
GIVEN the Decree of the Minister of Education
7 December 2006, n . 305 "Regulations for the identification of sensitive and judicial data
treaties and related transactions
by the Ministry of Education, in implementation of Articles.
20 and 21 of Legislative Decree no. June 30, 2003, No 196, entitled "Code
protection of personal data" (published in the Official Gazette No 11 of
January 15, 2007);
Seen the Law No 15 March 1999 59;
VISA DPR 8 March 1999 No 275;
the VISA Presidential Decree No 24 June 1998 249 "Statute of female students and students
the Directive of the Minister of Education prot. No
5843/A3 of October 16, 2006, stating: "Guidelines on
democratic citizenship and legality";
VISTA Directive of the Minister of Education, prot. No
1455 of November 10, 2006, entitled "Information and guidelines on student participation
the Directive of the Minister of Education, prot. No 16
February 5, 2007, on "general guidelines and actions at national level
for the prevention and combating bullying" the act
VISA of the minister of Education, prot. No
30/dip./segr. March 15, 2007, on "guidelines and
information on the use of mobile phones and other electronic devices during the
imposition of disciplinary sanctions, duty to supervise and co-responsibility of parents and teachers
"Having regard to Article
. 4, paragraph 1, letter A, Legislative Decree 30 March 2001, No 165;
Following consultation with the Authority for the protection of personal data in
meeting on November 29, 2007, pursuant to art. 154, paragraph 4, of this Code
this directive laying down guidelines and clarification of interpretation and application in order to
regulations designed to protect the privacy
with particular reference to the use of cell phones or other electronic devices in school communities
the aim of acquiring and / or distribute any images, videos or voice recordings.
1. Use of mobile phones in order to acquire personal information
images, sounds and movies taken in school communities through mobile phones or other electronic devices
and then sent via MMS or otherwise disclosed
in other forms, including the publication on website may contain personal information
relating to one or more identified or identifiable
and in particular to individuals. It follows that the collection, storage, use and disclosure to third parties
of these data, within the meaning of the legislation in force, a
"processing" of personal data. These data, however, may also relate to the sphere of
health, sex life or other sensitive information for which there are special
safeguards to protect those concerned.
seems opportune to recall that for "sensitive data" means "the
personal data revealing racial or ethnic, religious, philosophical or other beliefs,
political opinions, membership parties, trade unions, associations or organizations of
religious, philosophical, political or trade union, as well as personal data disclosing health and sex life
"(cf. art. 4, paragraph 1, letter C of the Privacy Code ).
discipline for the protection of personal data, however, does not apply when the data collected
not include information related to persons identified or identifiable, also indirectly
circumstances, are obliged to clarify the areas of operation of existing legislation
pointing out that you have to distinguish two different legal situations depending
that the acquisition of personal data question is directed to a subsequent disclosure to third parties or
occurs only for personal use.
2. Specific precautions general
Who uses the collected personal data and send (pictures, videos, voice recordings, ...)
whether to do it for personal purposes or to spread them even
then, must be respected in all cases, the specific obligations to protect third parties from
common rules in civil and criminal, even if the use of personal data for purposes
The collection, reporting and possible dissemination of images and sounds must have
shall take place while respecting the rights and freedoms key interested parties,
using the image of others as and when permitted by the law.
You will then need to pay attention, in particular, the protection provided by art. 10
Civil Code ("Abuse of other people").
"Article 10 Abuse of other people
If the image of a person or parent, spouse or child has been exposed or
published out of cases in which the exhibition or publication is permitted by law, or
with injury to the dignity or reputation of that person or those of joint
the court, on application, may order winding up abuse, except
damages. "
Equal attention should be paid to the guarantees provided for the display, reproduction and
the marketing of non-consensual picture of a person (art. 96 law
April 22, 1941, No. 633 on copyright), the which require the consent of the person portrayed in
unless the image reproduction is justified "by the reputation or public office
covered by the necessities of justice or police, for scientific, educational or cultural
or when playback is connected to facts, events, ceremonies or public interest
held in public "and prohibit, however, exposure or marketing
which causes "injury to the honor, reputation or even the propriety of the person portrayed
" (Article 97, paragraph 1, of Law No. 633 of April 22, 1941).
addition, the duty to refrain from violating these prerogatives of
interested in applying the principle of "neminem laedere" (art. 2043 Civil Code) does not exhaust the
legal obligations of the person using such personal information (images, movies,
voice recordings, ...), having the same respect other prohibitions
criminal penalties which may include in particular:
a) the unwarranted collection, disclosure and dissemination of images
relating to privacy that are held in homes of others or other private dwellings (Penal Code Article 615-bis);
b) the possible crime of abuse, in particular the case of messages sent to offend the honor or
the dignity of the recipient (art. 594 Criminal Code);
c) obscene publications (art. 528 Criminal Code);
d) the protection of minors with regard to pornographic material (art. 600-ter of the Penal Code, Law of 3 August
1998, No. 269).
Consequently, those who use personal data (pictures, videos, voice recordings, ...)
collected with their mobile phones or other devices, must consider all these circumstances and be careful that
their behavior does not adversely affect the rights of third parties, such
avoid taking people's attitudes or situations that could
offending that person or to refrain from publicly available images, even occasionally, to a large number of subjects
without the person photographed or filmed is aware and can take action to protect their privacy
3. Disclosure
As you know, the modern mobile phones, as well as other electronic devices, allowing
easily, and at any time, users can take pictures or record sound or video clips,
attributable to individuals. These tools also allow you to send other people
photographs or recordings mentioned above, for example through the use of "MMS",
well as offering the possibility of using these data for publication on websites.
face of these opportunities provided by the use of new technologies should be clarified that
the dissemination of personal data of this kind, under the current legislation,
can not be based on the free will of those who had acquired them, as each
person is the holder of the right to protection of personal data. As a result, the delivery or communication in a systematic
of personal data, such as those described above, especially if a plurality
target may be effected only after the person concerned has been duly informed in order to
later how to use the data, with particular reference
possibility that the data are released and / or systematically, and has expressed its consent
( under Articles. 13 and 23 of the said Code). In the case of sensitive data
consent must be expressed in writing, provided, however, the
restrictions on disclosure of health data.
These general rules apply equally in school communities in
which has a special cultural significance to young people the need to
ensure knowledge and compliance with the rules protecting the rights of individuals.
This means that students, teachers or others in the school community who wish
take photographs or make audio or video within the institutions
school with your cell phone or other devices, and subsequently use, disclose
, send personal data collected will be forced to engage in two tasks:
A - you must inform the data subject of:
- the purposes and methods of treatment that will be made in respect of such
- entitlements it enjoys under Article. 7 of the Code, such as, for example, the right to cancel or
processing of personal data in anonymous form;
- the identification of the person using the phone or other device to collect data
B - must acquire the consent of the person concerned. In the event that the processing relates to data
sensitive type, you must obtain the written consent, subject to the above
restrictions on disclosure of health data.
The non-compliance with prior information to the interested
involves the payment of an administrative penalty ranging from a minimum of € 3,000 up to a maximum of 18,000
€ or, in the case of sensitive data or treatments
situations involving injury, even with the expense of serious damages, the penalty ranges from a minimum of 5,000 €
up to a maximum of 30,000 € (see art. 161, Code). 3.1 Use personal
In the event that, conversely, movies, pictures or sounds on other people, whether acquired through
phone for "purely personal" do not operate any such
disclosure requirements and acquisition of consent in the processing of personal data
. This, however, provided that the information gathered "is not intended for systematic communication or
dissemination ".
The reporting requirements and acquisition of consent does not operate such as
clarified by the Guarantor for the protection of personal data in the case of taking a picture and send it
occasional (eg, friends or families): the person who performs the snaps or
shooting with your mobile phone only for reasons of purely personal nature
(cultural, recreational or otherwise) and the images are sent
with a limited scope of knowability.
The obligations in question are, on the contrary, apply in other cases where, although for purposes
simply cultural or informational, the image has been collected to be distributed on the Internet or
systematically communicated to third parties.
between these two hypotheses, as explained more by the Guarantor, there may be situations, however
-limits to which deserve particular attention and which should be examined case by case
For example, it is noted that the personal data in question (pictures, videos, voice recordings
, ...) can be sent, for example via MMS, with one
direct communication to others, however, a very large number of recipients. Here you can
determine the practical conditions in which the image is done with dispatch despite occasional
features to create a chain of communication data.
In any case, the fact remains that even the use of images, movies or voice recordings for
purely personal, however, must comply with the obligation to keep information secure
collected, bearing in mind that respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms and
dignity of third parties is implied in these treatments and that if it causes any damage to third parties
also not one who uses capital improperly
images or other personal data collected by mobile phone or similar electronic device,
must compensate him if does not prove that he took all reasonable steps to avoid it.
4. Regulations and school disciplinary
Students who do not comply with the requirements mentioned above, the prior statement in which they foresee
cases, commit a violation, punishable by a penalty,
application of which the Ombudsman has jurisdiction (Articles 161 and 166 of the Code).
In any case, students must behave properly and respect vis-Ã -vis the
headteacher, school staff and their companions,
with reference to which the regulations of individual schools identify the conduct constituting misconduct disciplinary
(Articles 3 and 4, 24 June 1998 Presidential Decree No
249 - "Regulations on the status of students and secondary school students
It follows that such conduct, related to improper handling of personal data
acquired through mobile phones or other electronic devices, shall be punished with appropriate severity and severity
under the Regulations of individual schools.
Schools are therefore required to bring their regulations in accordance with the clarifications described above
identified as part of its autonomy, the most appropriate sanctions to impose
against students who violate the right to protection of personal data within
school communities.
Finally, it must draw attention to the possibility of the schools
autonomous in its regulations, to inhibit, in whole or in part, or to refer appropriately
certain precautions, the use of videophones and multimedia within the schools themselves
and in classrooms.
The school is in fact empowered to enact special provisions
internal organizational institution to regulate the use of so-called MMS
by students, for example prohibiting the use of cameras, camcorders or recorders
voice, inserted into mobile phones or other electronic devices,
in the absence of explicit consent given by the individual.
Violation of these rules in the Regulations of the Institute can therefore constitute a disciplinary offense
, with the consequent application of the relevant penalty
identified by the school.
Given the vast impact on society that has taken the phenomenon of the use of mobile phones
for the acquisition and processing of personal data within the
Italian schools, is particularly desirable for the adoption of the above measures together with all
'identification of spaces for reflection and study in order to issues covered by this
Directive in order to promote awareness among young people the importance of the right
the protection of personal data into the current view of spreading the culture of legality
The Ministry of Education, in cooperation with the Authority for the Protection of Personal Information
, promote information campaigns and training programs for school leaders
to spread in schools, the wider knowledge of the regulations concerning the exercise of the right
the protection of personal data and the safeguards.
Giuseppe Fioroni
Ministry of Education
Rome, November 30, 2007 Directive No.
WHEREAS the right to protection of personal data has
specific forms of protection because of the validity of specific provisions
legislation (most recently, as contained in "Code
protection of personal data," approved by d . lgs.
30 June 2003 No. 196) to ensure that the processing of personal data
be respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms
, and dignity, with particular
reference to privacy and personal identity;
WHEREAS the Ministry of Education aims to promote among students
the widest knowledge of the rights
constitutional significance, which is the right to protection of personal data,
in the belief that ' education for a culture of legality
must be done by actions to promote awareness and compliance with the laws
question and the students the right to privacy is enshrined in Article also explicitly
. 2, paragraph 2, of Presidential Decree No. 1998 June 24
249 (called "Charter of the female students and students"), called
art. 96, paragraph 2 of this Code;
WHEREAS within school communities, especially among young
, it is very common to use "mobile phones" or other electronic devices
finding that the rules of the sanctions applicable in respect of disciplinary
students for violating the ban on the use of
mobile phones or other electronic devices during the
teaching activities is left to the autonomous power
-regulatory organization of educational institutions in accordance with
clarified with the 'act of the Minister's address
Education prot. No 30/DIP/segr.
of 15 March 2007 concerning "guidelines and instructions in
on the use of mobile phones and other electronic devices during
teaching activities, impose disciplinary sanctions
, duty to supervise and co-responsibility of parents and
of teachers;
regulating the use of such equipment by the teaching staff is governed
well as organizational arrangements provided
the independent regulatory institution, by specific rules of conduct and disciplinary
, dictated by the state workers and the Negotiable
in line with the need to properly fulfill the duties
WHEREAS, irrespective of the above profiles organizzativisanzionatori
concerned with school and connected to a
misuse of mobile phones or other electronic devices designed to disrupt the
proper and peaceful conduct of
educational activities, there is the issue whether in a more general
under existing order, to be configurable
cases in contravention of the Data Protection
WHEREAS institutions School has become widespread and the social significance
phenomenon of using mobile phones or other electronic devices
, by students or other
players, to acquire, or rather "steal" data formats
audio, video or voice recording or reproducing image archive
or digital photographs related to people, students, teachers
, or other entities that operate within the school community
WHEREAS, these data are considered "personal information" within the meaning of Article
. 4, paragraph 1, letter b) of the said Code;
whereas the acquisition of the data mentioned above, even though they are inside
educational institutions, in many cases, it is
attributable to teaching activities, training or learning
own school
WHEREAS, the above data are frequently disseminated not only among
belonging to the same school community, but sometimes, even to an audience
of users through the use of telematic systems and the Internet;
WHEREAS, we are witnessing the growing popularity of the internet portals and web sites
"dedicated" intended to make public archive
or records relating to incidents in institutions
school or during periods of
educational or teaching activities, in some cases, also for purposes
disparaging personal dignity and social
students, including minors, and faculty;
CONSIDERING that the personal data mentioned above are in some cases
WHEREAS, in light of the above are necessary
further explanatory guidance, in addition to those already provided with the
a general measure of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data of 20
January 2005
with the previous decision of March 12, 2003, with particular reference to cases
concrete that are in the form of schools
CONSIDERING the need to provide appropriate explanations explanatory of
existing legislation in order to promote full respect for the discipline
data protection and to inform individuals of the school community about the consequences
sanctions that may arise against those infringing the
right to protection of personal data;
CONSIDERING the opportunity to engage in information activities in schools
in order to prevent the phenomenon of violation of the right to the protection of fundamental
personal data, derived
constitutional by the students
and other subjects of the school community;
Considering the Code regarding the protection of personal data (Legislative Decree no.
30 June 2003, n. 196);
GIVEN the Decree of the Minister of Education
7 December 2006, n . 305 "Regulations for the identification of sensitive and judicial data
treaties and related transactions
by the Ministry of Education, in implementation of Articles.
20 and 21 of Legislative Decree no. June 30, 2003, No 196, entitled "Code
protection of personal data" (published in the Official Gazette No 11 of
January 15, 2007);
Seen the Law No 15 March 1999 59;
VISA DPR 8 March 1999 No 275;
the VISA Presidential Decree No 24 June 1998 249 "Statute of female students and students
the Directive of the Minister of Education prot. No
5843/A3 of October 16, 2006, stating: "Guidelines on
democratic citizenship and legality";
VISTA Directive of the Minister of Education, prot. No
1455 of November 10, 2006, entitled "Information and guidelines on student participation
the Directive of the Minister of Education, prot. No 16
February 5, 2007, on "general guidelines and actions at national level
for the prevention and combating bullying" the act
VISA of the minister of Education, prot. No
30/dip./segr. March 15, 2007, on "guidelines and
information on the use of mobile phones and other electronic devices during the
imposition of disciplinary sanctions, duty to supervise and co-responsibility of parents and teachers
"Having regard to Article
. 4, paragraph 1, letter A, Legislative Decree 30 March 2001, No 165;
Following consultation with the Authority for the protection of personal data in
meeting on November 29, 2007, pursuant to art. 154, paragraph 4, of this Code
this directive laying down guidelines and clarification of interpretation and application in order to
regulations designed to protect the privacy
with particular reference to the use of cell phones or other electronic devices in school communities
the aim of acquiring and / or distribute any images, videos or voice recordings.
1. Use of mobile phones in order to acquire personal information
images, sounds and movies taken in school communities through mobile phones or other electronic devices
and then sent via MMS or otherwise disclosed
in other forms, including the publication on website may contain personal information
relating to one or more identified or identifiable
and in particular to individuals. It follows that the collection, storage, use and disclosure to third parties
of these data, within the meaning of the legislation in force, a
"processing" of personal data. These data, however, may also relate to the sphere of
health, sex life or other sensitive information for which there are special
safeguards to protect those concerned.
seems opportune to recall that for "sensitive data" means "the
personal data revealing racial or ethnic, religious, philosophical or other beliefs,
political opinions, membership parties, trade unions, associations or organizations of
religious, philosophical, political or trade union, as well as personal data disclosing health and sex life
"(cf. art. 4, paragraph 1, letter C of the Privacy Code ).
discipline for the protection of personal data, however, does not apply when the data collected
not include information related to persons identified or identifiable, also indirectly
circumstances, are obliged to clarify the areas of operation of existing legislation
pointing out that you have to distinguish two different legal situations depending
that the acquisition of personal data question is directed to a subsequent disclosure to third parties or
occurs only for personal use.
2. Specific precautions general
Who uses the collected personal data and send (pictures, videos, voice recordings, ...)
whether to do it for personal purposes or to spread them even
then, must be respected in all cases, the specific obligations to protect third parties from
common rules in civil and criminal, even if the use of personal data for purposes
The collection, reporting and possible dissemination of images and sounds must have
shall take place while respecting the rights and freedoms key interested parties,
using the image of others as and when permitted by the law.
You will then need to pay attention, in particular, the protection provided by art. 10
Civil Code ("Abuse of other people").
"Article 10 Abuse of other people
If the image of a person or parent, spouse or child has been exposed or
published out of cases in which the exhibition or publication is permitted by law, or
with injury to the dignity or reputation of that person or those of joint
the court, on application, may order winding up abuse, except
damages. "
Equal attention should be paid to the guarantees provided for the display, reproduction and
the marketing of non-consensual picture of a person (art. 96 law
April 22, 1941, No. 633 on copyright), the which require the consent of the person portrayed in
unless the image reproduction is justified "by the reputation or public office
covered by the necessities of justice or police, for scientific, educational or cultural
or when playback is connected to facts, events, ceremonies or public interest
held in public "and prohibit, however, exposure or marketing
which causes "injury to the honor, reputation or even the propriety of the person portrayed
" (Article 97, paragraph 1, of Law No. 633 of April 22, 1941).
addition, the duty to refrain from violating these prerogatives of
interested in applying the principle of "neminem laedere" (art. 2043 Civil Code) does not exhaust the
legal obligations of the person using such personal information (images, movies,
voice recordings, ...), having the same respect other prohibitions
criminal penalties which may include in particular:
a) the unwarranted collection, disclosure and dissemination of images
relating to privacy that are held in homes of others or other private dwellings (Penal Code Article 615-bis);
b) the possible crime of abuse, in particular the case of messages sent to offend the honor or
the dignity of the recipient (art. 594 Criminal Code);
c) obscene publications (art. 528 Criminal Code);
d) the protection of minors with regard to pornographic material (art. 600-ter of the Penal Code, Law of 3 August
1998, No. 269).
Consequently, those who use personal data (pictures, videos, voice recordings, ...)
collected with their mobile phones or other devices, must consider all these circumstances and be careful that
their behavior does not adversely affect the rights of third parties, such
avoid taking people's attitudes or situations that could
offending that person or to refrain from publicly available images, even occasionally, to a large number of subjects
without the person photographed or filmed is aware and can take action to protect their privacy
3. Disclosure
As you know, the modern mobile phones, as well as other electronic devices, allowing
easily, and at any time, users can take pictures or record sound or video clips,
attributable to individuals. These tools also allow you to send other people
photographs or recordings mentioned above, for example through the use of "MMS",
well as offering the possibility of using these data for publication on websites.
face of these opportunities provided by the use of new technologies should be clarified that
the dissemination of personal data of this kind, under the current legislation,
can not be based on the free will of those who had acquired them, as each
person is the holder of the right to protection of personal data. As a result, the delivery or communication in a systematic
of personal data, such as those described above, especially if a plurality
target may be effected only after the person concerned has been duly informed in order to
later how to use the data, with particular reference
possibility that the data are released and / or systematically, and has expressed its consent
( under Articles. 13 and 23 of the said Code). In the case of sensitive data
consent must be expressed in writing, provided, however, the
restrictions on disclosure of health data.
These general rules apply equally in school communities in
which has a special cultural significance to young people the need to
ensure knowledge and compliance with the rules protecting the rights of individuals.
This means that students, teachers or others in the school community who wish
take photographs or make audio or video within the institutions
school with your cell phone or other devices, and subsequently use, disclose
, send personal data collected will be forced to engage in two tasks:
A - you must inform the data subject of:
- the purposes and methods of treatment that will be made in respect of such
- entitlements it enjoys under Article. 7 of the Code, such as, for example, the right to cancel or
processing of personal data in anonymous form;
- the identification of the person using the phone or other device to collect data
B - must acquire the consent of the person concerned. In the event that the processing relates to data
sensitive type, you must obtain the written consent, subject to the above
restrictions on disclosure of health data.
The non-compliance with prior information to the interested
involves the payment of an administrative penalty ranging from a minimum of € 3,000 up to a maximum of 18,000
€ or, in the case of sensitive data or treatments
situations involving injury, even with the expense of serious damages, the penalty ranges from a minimum of 5,000 €
up to a maximum of 30,000 € (see art. 161, Code). 3.1 Use personal
In the event that, conversely, movies, pictures or sounds on other people, whether acquired through
phone for "purely personal" do not operate any such
disclosure requirements and acquisition of consent in the processing of personal data
. This, however, provided that the information gathered "is not intended for systematic communication or
dissemination ".
The reporting requirements and acquisition of consent does not operate such as
clarified by the Guarantor for the protection of personal data in the case of taking a picture and send it
occasional (eg, friends or families): the person who performs the snaps or
shooting with your mobile phone only for reasons of purely personal nature
(cultural, recreational or otherwise) and the images are sent
with a limited scope of knowability.
The obligations in question are, on the contrary, apply in other cases where, although for purposes
simply cultural or informational, the image has been collected to be distributed on the Internet or
systematically communicated to third parties.
between these two hypotheses, as explained more by the Guarantor, there may be situations, however
-limits to which deserve particular attention and which should be examined case by case
For example, it is noted that the personal data in question (pictures, videos, voice recordings
, ...) can be sent, for example via MMS, with one
direct communication to others, however, a very large number of recipients. Here you can
determine the practical conditions in which the image is done with dispatch despite occasional
features to create a chain of communication data.
In any case, the fact remains that even the use of images, movies or voice recordings for
purely personal, however, must comply with the obligation to keep information secure
collected, bearing in mind that respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms and
dignity of third parties is implied in these treatments and that if it causes any damage to third parties
also not one who uses capital improperly
images or other personal data collected by mobile phone or similar electronic device,
must compensate him if does not prove that he took all reasonable steps to avoid it.
4. Regulations and school disciplinary
Students who do not comply with the requirements mentioned above, the prior statement in which they foresee
cases, commit a violation, punishable by a penalty,
application of which the Ombudsman has jurisdiction (Articles 161 and 166 of the Code).
In any case, students must behave properly and respect vis-Ã -vis the
headteacher, school staff and their companions,
with reference to which the regulations of individual schools identify the conduct constituting misconduct disciplinary
(Articles 3 and 4, 24 June 1998 Presidential Decree No
249 - "Regulations on the status of students and secondary school students
It follows that such conduct, related to improper handling of personal data
acquired through mobile phones or other electronic devices, shall be punished with appropriate severity and severity
under the Regulations of individual schools.
Schools are therefore required to bring their regulations in accordance with the clarifications described above
identified as part of its autonomy, the most appropriate sanctions to impose
against students who violate the right to protection of personal data within
school communities.
Finally, it must draw attention to the possibility of the schools
autonomous in its regulations, to inhibit, in whole or in part, or to refer appropriately
certain precautions, the use of videophones and multimedia within the schools themselves
and in classrooms.
The school is in fact empowered to enact special provisions
internal organizational institution to regulate the use of so-called MMS
by students, for example prohibiting the use of cameras, camcorders or recorders
voice, inserted into mobile phones or other electronic devices,
in the absence of explicit consent given by the individual.
Violation of these rules in the Regulations of the Institute can therefore constitute a disciplinary offense
, with the consequent application of the relevant penalty
identified by the school.
Given the vast impact on society that has taken the phenomenon of the use of mobile phones
for the acquisition and processing of personal data within the
Italian schools, is particularly desirable for the adoption of the above measures together with all
'identification of spaces for reflection and study in order to issues covered by this
Directive in order to promote awareness among young people the importance of the right
the protection of personal data into the current view of spreading the culture of legality
The Ministry of Education, in cooperation with the Authority for the Protection of Personal Information
, promote information campaigns and training programs for school leaders
to spread in schools, the wider knowledge of the regulations concerning the exercise of the right
the protection of personal data and the safeguards.
Giuseppe Fioroni
How Many Languages Can Michael Buble Speak
all. prot. 4751 October 4, 2007
Ministry of Education
Department Directorate General for Education for Students
a National Program. Peace must be made to the School.,
October 4 - National Day of Peace School. Abstract
l.intelligenza Educating the heart and the person to the understanding of diversity is
l.impegno the school for some time and has set his teachers, with students and families
, pursued with passion and
commitment towards the development of the human person.
which has created a legacy that accumulated over the years, today we can enjoy many
, established and profitable business school education for peace, respect and solidarity
between peoples, is today a heritage that must be
systematically and organically integrated with the achievements, but similarly
ways and in different contexts, from social organizations, institutions and associations that operate
in Italian society.
From such a meeting should be born of the synergy that will allow all.Italia
respond effectively and with great effectiveness to the UN resolution 53/25 of 10 November 1998
(with which the period 2001-2010 has been proclaimed the International Decade for a Culture
Peace and Nonviolence for the children at the World), the
. Declaration on a Culture of Peace. dell.ONU of September 13, 1999 and the related
. d.Azione Plan for the Culture of Peace .. This will then give a concrete answer
as already mentioned above dall.ONU, specifically in the Constitution of the United Nations
dell.Organizzazione l.Educazione, Scientific and Cultural Organization, which stated that
. since the war began in the minds of men is
in the minds of human beings who must begin to build peace .. Peace development education as
Thanks also to the possibilities offered dall.autonomia school and in line with the new
national guidelines for primary schools and the development of those.
citizenship skills. that the new compulsory education pursues, schools can and should
provide opportunities in which to develop its cross dell.insegnamento
involving family members, especially experts and local administrative authorities, agencies and NGOs
printing to enrich the stock of knowledge of the student. To this end, there are many
. Good practice. tested over time and that schools are scattered
, projected all.esterno and systematically re-proposed with maximum deployment
If the phenomenon of globalization, which has often and rightly assumed a negative connotation
economic. consumer, could be directed to
shared values, experiences and life choices, in which
quality is prevalent on the quantity, l.educazione could take a strong role for a new and positive meaning of the term
. The process of globalization, facilitated by the rapid
development of new information technologies and communication, although
represents a challenge for cultural differences, at the same time creates the conditions for a
renewed dialogue between different cultures and civilizations. It is therefore necessary to overcome
the local perspective, Italian or European, to mature a global view on the reality
and combat forms of prejudice and discrimination, educating children to develop awareness
dell.essere interdependent subjects.
Educating for peace also means thinking about the economic and social development in
new terms. For a long time it was believed that economic prosperity was the
essential component of development, it is now believed that should be taken into account
not only economic issues but the whole complex of human needs and environmental
Industrial society is not l.unico community model developed and
people in Third World countries should be encouraged to seek their
original models, based on the twin principles and dell.autosufficienza dell.interdipendenza.
L.educazione Sustainable Development, a key aspect dell.educazione Peace, reflects
l.impegno to un.educazione quality dall.interdisciplinarità characterized by a holistic approach
and the development of critical thinking. In this perspective will be necessary to promote
networks, connections and interactions between classes, schools and institutions also
developing countries to increase the quality and dell.insegnamento l.interiorizzazione
the principles upon which l.educazione Sustainable Development .
addition, a proper relationship with l.ambiente is already a step towards peace
just because the territory in which we live is a collective good, learn to know and respect
means to humanize our quality of life and protect the nature. Peace as
promoting intercultural dialogue
The school has always played a vital role to encourage creativity and
to inspire genuine dialogue among cultures and why all schools should be
put in a position to implement programs of cultural exchanges with other countries.
The new multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multicultural
that are consolidating as a result of the unstoppable process of globalization and new migratory flows
, are the founding principles of a new nationality, aware and supportive
which new generations can in no way be strangers.
For this, the European Commission has declared that 2008 will be.
of the Year intercultural dialogue.: the promotion of a European Year is in fact
aimed at developing awareness among European citizens and, in particular among young people, the
importance in various fields of social life and individual cultural differences.
The school is then called with greater force to actively contribute
propose further activities to promote intercultural dialogue
to contribute to the development of an active European citizenship, open to the world, respecting cultural difference and
based on shared values.
Peace as constructive management and nonviolent conflict
the conflict. if channeled in the correct forms of representation and exercise
their democratic freedom - is a physiological phenomenon in the lives of individuals and companies
: otherwise, can easily degenerate into destructive violence. As also noted
Gandhi, often violent methods of conflict l.utilizzo
not reach a real solution, but are only temporarily silenced
then to evolve into more moments of confrontation. Luckily for all of us in the lives of individuals and companies
are countless cases where non-violence has made it possible to manage and resolve conflicts constructively
: that is why the heart dell.educazione to peace is to fight
l.insegnamento injustice and violence without using the same weapons,
using the tools of active nonviolence. Hence
l.importanza to acquire knowledge and techniques for understanding,
in all fields and at all levels of conflict processes in place, its causes and finding solutions
nonviolent potentially available. Peace
teaching and learning, so the school has a special responsibility
internalize the concept, large and complex peace and recognize l.importanza
substantial human rights forms the basis for the formation of responsible citizens, aware
rights and duties of each and committed to their protection, citizens engaged in their own reality
but open to the world.
schools, Local Authorities, Regions, and the world dell.informazione
more generally, all educational institutions should help develop the culture of
peace, nonviolence and human rights.
In this sense, the school is the privileged place where you can
improve the quality of life of people and where they can increase their capacity to participate in decision-making processes that guide
social, cultural and economic aspects of our society.
Students, teachers, school authorities, associations and local authorities can join
skills, needs, resources, enhancing the prominence of each building and
a dense network of business which has become more and more everyday and ordinary. What things
the peace that we want to teach?
is necessary to start with a definition of positive peace, that peace is not
defend, but to build together. Peace is not just absence of war, but a process
which tends to eliminate or minimize violent situations. Peace, in fact
. Is a social and international order in which all human rights can be fully realized
for all men and all women. (Article 28 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The culture of positive peace, peace as a project and commitment comes from the heart
dell.uomo, moved in society and should be considered nell.azione
policy of states and political institutions that can become bearers of a culture of peace.
L.apprendimento dell.azione and practice of peace and nonviolence and human rights should be directed
all.acquisizione sense of responsibility and must contribute
all.educazione dell.Altro respect. This is one. Lifestyle., A
. Way to be. that is learned through the study of particular disciplines
abstract but that. absorbs contact. because you are immersed in a.
atmosphere of living and learning. in which daily values \u200b\u200bof peace, respect dell.altro and
rules, understood as welfare. stay together., are lived and breathed a deep
lungs. The school (which perhaps is. Place. In which up to now such a
consciousness is more matured and more practiced are the principles)
is required to review some of its reporting mechanisms and to convert to peace his proposal
Life (in agreement with the families and the territory, otherwise it would be futile
every effort) and to provide a framework in which there is opportunity for cooperation and learning how to practice
of human and civil rights.
Peace at school
E. essential that the school is a place of peace, a place where one learns
the value of peace, where people live and grow in peace or in
recognition and respect for human rights. And when we say
school, we think the whole school community:
primarily students, from which much is expected and to whom much is asked
in terms of personal growth and sharing of efforts to l.istituzione ago
think of the families, called to mature
sharing educational aims of the school with enthusiasm and loyalty, giving up residual
selfish and destructive temptations;
think of the school staff, always on. card. schools,
called to create any space dell.edificio the. right climate. and transmitting the
their work a sense of respect for things and people;
think of the administrative staff required to manage tasks and organize work
l.autonomia school wants more and more complex and transparent
think teachers called once again to give his best
as educators and as people with values, knowing that their calls for the companies already
although not always very willing to give back what it receives;
think school directors, committed to legs and give breath to un.autonomia
that school. if it is a harbinger of great potential and educational opportunities. Their commitment requires a
and a. effort. previously unknown to the old. headteachers ..
A school of peace is, in fact, a school that reflects on itself and that. .. You think back
Everyone from the head teacher to teachers, students, employees and parents
must answer the question: what can we do to transform our school into a place of peace
is therefore necessary to think of peace in every moment of school life:
• From the moment you organize l.accoglienza students;
• all.accoglienza l.integrazione and non-Italian children in schools all
• . activation of specific pathways necessary for enforcement of equal opportunity
; •
the daily management of the school reports all.interno;
• the construction of common knowledge and culture as a process of
• educational choices designed to give space to the cultures and nationalities;
• participation in the care of school life of the various components
(students, parents, teachers, land, etc.).
• l.orientamento to care for and initiatives to combat the spread
school; •
to explode when the problems and must be addressed
with instruments of peace.
A culture of peace, which also aims to save succeeding generations from the spectrum of
war, can be reached through l.interiorizzazione l.acquisizione
values \u200b\u200band attitudes and behaviors that reflect and inspire social interaction and sharing
. Respect for difference, tolerance, dialogue and cooperation,
in a climate of trust and mutual understanding is a prerequisite for social cohesion
uneconomia and development of knowledge-based. The study of certain disciplines
, more specifically those involved in the reconstruction of the sense of community
(History, Civic l.Educzione, literature and, for older children, the law, the
Philosophy, History dell.Arte, l.Economia, the Natural Sciences.) are called to
connect the personal dimension of the conflicts experienced by children and how non-violent transformation
they experimented with larger sizes as
conflicts between peoples or between States, the revelation of the macro-economic processes, the artistic influences, the
literary evidence, dell.ecosistema protection, thereby
new perspectives in students the ability to read the global reality and the imagination of alternative solutions to those
regressive (or pathological) of war and violence.
pluralism and cultural dialogue are now prominent tools to contain and deter
phenomena of extremism and fanaticism and to facilitate the coexistence
l.arricchimento peaceful and reciprocal. The culture, the structured and aimed at creating
the person is the school's own (and it is so different from chance,
scientific and moral relativism, from the shallowness of so much. Pseudoculture.
flowing with each half, including our children) and is one of the few cards (but a card. strong. full of meanings
) they have today to overcome and win too many. fundamentalisms.
that pollute our civic consciousness.
Peace as a training base dell.offerta
L.educazione to peace, understanding as we attempted to specify date in more than
to be the fundamental value of reference for the definition of each Plan dell.offerta
training school, comes from a conscious
definition of responsibilities that every citizen must have to be able to get involved in democracy glo-cal. The concept of peace
all.interno of the school community can help to change the organizational and relational all.interno
size of the school and also to promote youth creativity
, no longer understood as a counterpart of bias.
adult protagonist. but in the key of a renewed and informed participation in community and civic
so that we can build the knowledge of a culture of peace is the daughter of the logic necessary to implement
paths. critical citizenship. also offering the school
visibility to those who actively work for peace and territory rights,
building networks between schools, local authorities and civil society.
skills to be acquired in the context of this knowledge are more orders, as well
reported by the Recommendation of the European Parliament and the Council of 18 December 2006
on key competences for lifelong learning and continued l.apprendimento
dall.indicazioni both national The curriculum of the school and the school of dell.infanzia
first cycle as well as the Regulations for l.innalzamento dell.obbligo education. They
skills ranging from self-centered to those facing the world,
passing through those allowing l.attenzione all.altro, group and social all.organizzazione
to take effect in all these indications of concrete
schools will benefit from the fundamental contribution of local authorities in recent years have made possible
l.attuazione of important projects of education for peace. The role of teachers
As amply demonstrated dall.esperienza education in Italian schools,
l.insegnante, is the biggest player in the spread of a culture of peace at school. You
job of teachers to manage classes in order to promote understanding,
mutual respect for differences, tolerance, l.eguaglianza Gender and l.amicizia
and solidarity. The teachers, supported by its governing bodies and institutions, have in fact
responsibility for transforming the classroom into a community awareness dell.importanza
bringing out the values \u200b\u200bof peace, cooperation, coexistence and sharing
creating and nurturing a real educational process in young people is in itself what
complex and fraught with difficulties, as you know our teachers. Imagine the difficulties of
un.educazione Peace in a society like ours, which is crossed by more and more strong and contradictory signals it
mixed. Is not it possible to put nell.offerta
training a subject in more than a project. It is not a new material to add
other teachings, nor is it to revive the old logic. Educations.,
finally disappeared. with new national guidelines.
curriculum from the perspective of the Italian school. L.operazione we have outlined so far, and that is rebranded
today is. as we have seen. very deep and complex and therefore could not be entrusted exclusively to
responsibility all.attività and one teacher.
Each teacher has the same responsibility and can contribute to this project
life in a unique and original.
You must, however, create (Including schools that have not already done) the specific references
all.interno assigning at least one school teacher
the function of coordinator of education programs for peace. Equally necessary is
l.introduzione in teaching materials of issues relating to
most relevant issues such as prevention and constructive management of violent conflicts, the
respect for cultural differences and human rights, l.ottica global sustainable development
which approach to knowledge and the settlement of certain environmental and social issues
by climate change. Valuing
countless experiences from schools
Each spontaneous peace initiatives and peace education is a positive and
as we have seen, for achieving the necessary cooperation of all personnel
school, especially for initiatives promoting the transition from occasional to systematic
dell.agire pedagogical peace.
E. must enter the paths of peace education in educational plans dell.Offerta
promoting activities that facilitate the active participation of students and the involvement of parents
. As said before, to be effective l.educazione
to peace should not be limited Wergeland values \u200b\u200band principles but be directed
E. important to be available and ready to use positively
. emergencies. internal and external building synergy with local authorities to meet the specific needs of
The school, in fact, can make a tangible contribution to building peace, solidarity and human rights
l.accoglienza favoring boys and l.integrazione not
Italian in schools through twinning and cultural exchanges with schools dell.Europa,
of . Africa, the Mediterranean and with schools in countries in conflict;
can engage students to participate directly in international cooperation projects to promote the development of a
intercultural and interfaith dialogue and can promote initiatives
repudiation of violence and boycott dell.uso weapons. Neither
l.importanza that would be underestimated, both for children and adolescents
, knowledge and study. each with their own mode of his age.
of personalities such as Gandhi, La Pira, Capitini, Lorenzo Milani, Spinelli (
to name a few), personality of which today can hardly be an in-depth study
school. The redefinition of national guidelines and l.attenzione mail to the study of twentieth century
already going in this direction would be desirable, and we expect that
others (especially the authors and publishers of school books, so much that they have had and have
in improving educational dell.offerta) make their offering more
attention not only peace but also the issue of those. peacemakers.
who marked our history and our culture.
. Peace must be made at school.
Among the projects undertaken to promote peace l.educazione
Particular attention will be given to the project. Peace must be made at school., To which all schools are invited to attend.
. Peace must be made at school. is a project started in December 2006 by
cooperation between the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Defence and
associations and organizations working for peace education projects and development cooperation throughout the national territory
and Europe.
The primary objective of the project is to expand and develop in the younger generations
l.educazione to peace, cooperation, respect for difference and
other cultures, values \u200b\u200bmust be based on which the society of tomorrow. The project also
provides support for schools to design appropriate training courses,
consistent with the specific territorial, to be carried in close liaison with the
families and other persons and institutions at local level.
The project consists of several actions supported by a portal specially constituted
This portal allows you to:
- give visibility projects that schools are making to spread the culture of peace
- l.attivazione promote a network of exchanges between students of Italian schools already
and schools in Lebanon.
- initiate twinning with Italian schools and Lebanese
order to design libraries, recreation centers and other facilities whose construction
could be treated by our soldiers and NGOs were already there.
- launching a discussion forum which represents an area of \u200b\u200bcomparison for
schools on issues of peace and cooperation and that puts students in touch with
our soldiers on duty, who can connect to the forum anch.essi \u200b\u200b
using a specially created password.
Minister General
FM Conventual P. Marco Tasca
Custodian of the Basilica of San Francesco P. Vincenzo Coli
Minister of Education Giuseppe Fioroni
Ministry of Education
Department Directorate General for Education for Students
a National Program. Peace must be made to the School.,
October 4 - National Day of Peace School. Abstract
l.intelligenza Educating the heart and the person to the understanding of diversity is
l.impegno the school for some time and has set his teachers, with students and families
, pursued with passion and
commitment towards the development of the human person.
which has created a legacy that accumulated over the years, today we can enjoy many
, established and profitable business school education for peace, respect and solidarity
between peoples, is today a heritage that must be
systematically and organically integrated with the achievements, but similarly
ways and in different contexts, from social organizations, institutions and associations that operate
in Italian society.
From such a meeting should be born of the synergy that will allow all.Italia
respond effectively and with great effectiveness to the UN resolution 53/25 of 10 November 1998
(with which the period 2001-2010 has been proclaimed the International Decade for a Culture
Peace and Nonviolence for the children at the World), the
. Declaration on a Culture of Peace. dell.ONU of September 13, 1999 and the related
. d.Azione Plan for the Culture of Peace .. This will then give a concrete answer
as already mentioned above dall.ONU, specifically in the Constitution of the United Nations
dell.Organizzazione l.Educazione, Scientific and Cultural Organization, which stated that
. since the war began in the minds of men is
in the minds of human beings who must begin to build peace .. Peace development education as
Thanks also to the possibilities offered dall.autonomia school and in line with the new
national guidelines for primary schools and the development of those.
citizenship skills. that the new compulsory education pursues, schools can and should
provide opportunities in which to develop its cross dell.insegnamento
involving family members, especially experts and local administrative authorities, agencies and NGOs
printing to enrich the stock of knowledge of the student. To this end, there are many
. Good practice. tested over time and that schools are scattered
, projected all.esterno and systematically re-proposed with maximum deployment
If the phenomenon of globalization, which has often and rightly assumed a negative connotation
economic. consumer, could be directed to
shared values, experiences and life choices, in which
quality is prevalent on the quantity, l.educazione could take a strong role for a new and positive meaning of the term
. The process of globalization, facilitated by the rapid
development of new information technologies and communication, although
represents a challenge for cultural differences, at the same time creates the conditions for a
renewed dialogue between different cultures and civilizations. It is therefore necessary to overcome
the local perspective, Italian or European, to mature a global view on the reality
and combat forms of prejudice and discrimination, educating children to develop awareness
dell.essere interdependent subjects.
Educating for peace also means thinking about the economic and social development in
new terms. For a long time it was believed that economic prosperity was the
essential component of development, it is now believed that should be taken into account
not only economic issues but the whole complex of human needs and environmental
Industrial society is not l.unico community model developed and
people in Third World countries should be encouraged to seek their
original models, based on the twin principles and dell.autosufficienza dell.interdipendenza.
L.educazione Sustainable Development, a key aspect dell.educazione Peace, reflects
l.impegno to un.educazione quality dall.interdisciplinarità characterized by a holistic approach
and the development of critical thinking. In this perspective will be necessary to promote
networks, connections and interactions between classes, schools and institutions also
developing countries to increase the quality and dell.insegnamento l.interiorizzazione
the principles upon which l.educazione Sustainable Development .
addition, a proper relationship with l.ambiente is already a step towards peace
just because the territory in which we live is a collective good, learn to know and respect
means to humanize our quality of life and protect the nature. Peace as
promoting intercultural dialogue
The school has always played a vital role to encourage creativity and
to inspire genuine dialogue among cultures and why all schools should be
put in a position to implement programs of cultural exchanges with other countries.
The new multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multicultural
that are consolidating as a result of the unstoppable process of globalization and new migratory flows
, are the founding principles of a new nationality, aware and supportive
which new generations can in no way be strangers.
For this, the European Commission has declared that 2008 will be.
of the Year intercultural dialogue.: the promotion of a European Year is in fact
aimed at developing awareness among European citizens and, in particular among young people, the
importance in various fields of social life and individual cultural differences.
The school is then called with greater force to actively contribute
propose further activities to promote intercultural dialogue
to contribute to the development of an active European citizenship, open to the world, respecting cultural difference and
based on shared values.
Peace as constructive management and nonviolent conflict
the conflict. if channeled in the correct forms of representation and exercise
their democratic freedom - is a physiological phenomenon in the lives of individuals and companies
: otherwise, can easily degenerate into destructive violence. As also noted
Gandhi, often violent methods of conflict l.utilizzo
not reach a real solution, but are only temporarily silenced
then to evolve into more moments of confrontation. Luckily for all of us in the lives of individuals and companies
are countless cases where non-violence has made it possible to manage and resolve conflicts constructively
: that is why the heart dell.educazione to peace is to fight
l.insegnamento injustice and violence without using the same weapons,
using the tools of active nonviolence. Hence
l.importanza to acquire knowledge and techniques for understanding,
in all fields and at all levels of conflict processes in place, its causes and finding solutions
nonviolent potentially available. Peace
teaching and learning, so the school has a special responsibility
internalize the concept, large and complex peace and recognize l.importanza
substantial human rights forms the basis for the formation of responsible citizens, aware
rights and duties of each and committed to their protection, citizens engaged in their own reality
but open to the world.
schools, Local Authorities, Regions, and the world dell.informazione
more generally, all educational institutions should help develop the culture of
peace, nonviolence and human rights.
In this sense, the school is the privileged place where you can
improve the quality of life of people and where they can increase their capacity to participate in decision-making processes that guide
social, cultural and economic aspects of our society.
Students, teachers, school authorities, associations and local authorities can join
skills, needs, resources, enhancing the prominence of each building and
a dense network of business which has become more and more everyday and ordinary. What things
the peace that we want to teach?
is necessary to start with a definition of positive peace, that peace is not
defend, but to build together. Peace is not just absence of war, but a process
which tends to eliminate or minimize violent situations. Peace, in fact
. Is a social and international order in which all human rights can be fully realized
for all men and all women. (Article 28 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The culture of positive peace, peace as a project and commitment comes from the heart
dell.uomo, moved in society and should be considered nell.azione
policy of states and political institutions that can become bearers of a culture of peace.
L.apprendimento dell.azione and practice of peace and nonviolence and human rights should be directed
all.acquisizione sense of responsibility and must contribute
all.educazione dell.Altro respect. This is one. Lifestyle., A
. Way to be. that is learned through the study of particular disciplines
abstract but that. absorbs contact. because you are immersed in a.
atmosphere of living and learning. in which daily values \u200b\u200bof peace, respect dell.altro and
rules, understood as welfare. stay together., are lived and breathed a deep
lungs. The school (which perhaps is. Place. In which up to now such a
consciousness is more matured and more practiced are the principles)
is required to review some of its reporting mechanisms and to convert to peace his proposal
Life (in agreement with the families and the territory, otherwise it would be futile
every effort) and to provide a framework in which there is opportunity for cooperation and learning how to practice
of human and civil rights.
Peace at school
E. essential that the school is a place of peace, a place where one learns
the value of peace, where people live and grow in peace or in
recognition and respect for human rights. And when we say
school, we think the whole school community:
primarily students, from which much is expected and to whom much is asked
in terms of personal growth and sharing of efforts to l.istituzione ago
think of the families, called to mature
sharing educational aims of the school with enthusiasm and loyalty, giving up residual
selfish and destructive temptations;
think of the school staff, always on. card. schools,
called to create any space dell.edificio the. right climate. and transmitting the
their work a sense of respect for things and people;
think of the administrative staff required to manage tasks and organize work
l.autonomia school wants more and more complex and transparent
think teachers called once again to give his best
as educators and as people with values, knowing that their calls for the companies already
although not always very willing to give back what it receives;
think school directors, committed to legs and give breath to un.autonomia
that school. if it is a harbinger of great potential and educational opportunities. Their commitment requires a
and a. effort. previously unknown to the old. headteachers ..
A school of peace is, in fact, a school that reflects on itself and that. .. You think back
Everyone from the head teacher to teachers, students, employees and parents
must answer the question: what can we do to transform our school into a place of peace
is therefore necessary to think of peace in every moment of school life:
• From the moment you organize l.accoglienza students;
• all.accoglienza l.integrazione and non-Italian children in schools all
• . activation of specific pathways necessary for enforcement of equal opportunity
; •
the daily management of the school reports all.interno;
• the construction of common knowledge and culture as a process of
• educational choices designed to give space to the cultures and nationalities;
• participation in the care of school life of the various components
(students, parents, teachers, land, etc.).
• l.orientamento to care for and initiatives to combat the spread
school; •
to explode when the problems and must be addressed
with instruments of peace.
A culture of peace, which also aims to save succeeding generations from the spectrum of
war, can be reached through l.interiorizzazione l.acquisizione
values \u200b\u200band attitudes and behaviors that reflect and inspire social interaction and sharing
. Respect for difference, tolerance, dialogue and cooperation,
in a climate of trust and mutual understanding is a prerequisite for social cohesion
uneconomia and development of knowledge-based. The study of certain disciplines
, more specifically those involved in the reconstruction of the sense of community
(History, Civic l.Educzione, literature and, for older children, the law, the
Philosophy, History dell.Arte, l.Economia, the Natural Sciences.) are called to
connect the personal dimension of the conflicts experienced by children and how non-violent transformation
they experimented with larger sizes as
conflicts between peoples or between States, the revelation of the macro-economic processes, the artistic influences, the
literary evidence, dell.ecosistema protection, thereby
new perspectives in students the ability to read the global reality and the imagination of alternative solutions to those
regressive (or pathological) of war and violence.
pluralism and cultural dialogue are now prominent tools to contain and deter
phenomena of extremism and fanaticism and to facilitate the coexistence
l.arricchimento peaceful and reciprocal. The culture, the structured and aimed at creating
the person is the school's own (and it is so different from chance,
scientific and moral relativism, from the shallowness of so much. Pseudoculture.
flowing with each half, including our children) and is one of the few cards (but a card. strong. full of meanings
) they have today to overcome and win too many. fundamentalisms.
that pollute our civic consciousness.
Peace as a training base dell.offerta
L.educazione to peace, understanding as we attempted to specify date in more than
to be the fundamental value of reference for the definition of each Plan dell.offerta
training school, comes from a conscious
definition of responsibilities that every citizen must have to be able to get involved in democracy glo-cal. The concept of peace
all.interno of the school community can help to change the organizational and relational all.interno
size of the school and also to promote youth creativity
, no longer understood as a counterpart of bias.
adult protagonist. but in the key of a renewed and informed participation in community and civic
so that we can build the knowledge of a culture of peace is the daughter of the logic necessary to implement
paths. critical citizenship. also offering the school
visibility to those who actively work for peace and territory rights,
building networks between schools, local authorities and civil society.
skills to be acquired in the context of this knowledge are more orders, as well
reported by the Recommendation of the European Parliament and the Council of 18 December 2006
on key competences for lifelong learning and continued l.apprendimento
dall.indicazioni both national The curriculum of the school and the school of dell.infanzia
first cycle as well as the Regulations for l.innalzamento dell.obbligo education. They
skills ranging from self-centered to those facing the world,
passing through those allowing l.attenzione all.altro, group and social all.organizzazione
to take effect in all these indications of concrete
schools will benefit from the fundamental contribution of local authorities in recent years have made possible
l.attuazione of important projects of education for peace. The role of teachers
As amply demonstrated dall.esperienza education in Italian schools,
l.insegnante, is the biggest player in the spread of a culture of peace at school. You
job of teachers to manage classes in order to promote understanding,
mutual respect for differences, tolerance, l.eguaglianza Gender and l.amicizia
and solidarity. The teachers, supported by its governing bodies and institutions, have in fact
responsibility for transforming the classroom into a community awareness dell.importanza
bringing out the values \u200b\u200bof peace, cooperation, coexistence and sharing
creating and nurturing a real educational process in young people is in itself what
complex and fraught with difficulties, as you know our teachers. Imagine the difficulties of
un.educazione Peace in a society like ours, which is crossed by more and more strong and contradictory signals it
mixed. Is not it possible to put nell.offerta
training a subject in more than a project. It is not a new material to add
other teachings, nor is it to revive the old logic. Educations.,
finally disappeared. with new national guidelines.
curriculum from the perspective of the Italian school. L.operazione we have outlined so far, and that is rebranded
today is. as we have seen. very deep and complex and therefore could not be entrusted exclusively to
responsibility all.attività and one teacher.
Each teacher has the same responsibility and can contribute to this project
life in a unique and original.
You must, however, create (Including schools that have not already done) the specific references
all.interno assigning at least one school teacher
the function of coordinator of education programs for peace. Equally necessary is
l.introduzione in teaching materials of issues relating to
most relevant issues such as prevention and constructive management of violent conflicts, the
respect for cultural differences and human rights, l.ottica global sustainable development
which approach to knowledge and the settlement of certain environmental and social issues
by climate change. Valuing
countless experiences from schools
Each spontaneous peace initiatives and peace education is a positive and
as we have seen, for achieving the necessary cooperation of all personnel
school, especially for initiatives promoting the transition from occasional to systematic
dell.agire pedagogical peace.
E. must enter the paths of peace education in educational plans dell.Offerta
promoting activities that facilitate the active participation of students and the involvement of parents
. As said before, to be effective l.educazione
to peace should not be limited Wergeland values \u200b\u200band principles but be directed
E. important to be available and ready to use positively
. emergencies. internal and external building synergy with local authorities to meet the specific needs of
The school, in fact, can make a tangible contribution to building peace, solidarity and human rights
l.accoglienza favoring boys and l.integrazione not
Italian in schools through twinning and cultural exchanges with schools dell.Europa,
of . Africa, the Mediterranean and with schools in countries in conflict;
can engage students to participate directly in international cooperation projects to promote the development of a
intercultural and interfaith dialogue and can promote initiatives
repudiation of violence and boycott dell.uso weapons. Neither
l.importanza that would be underestimated, both for children and adolescents
, knowledge and study. each with their own mode of his age.
of personalities such as Gandhi, La Pira, Capitini, Lorenzo Milani, Spinelli (
to name a few), personality of which today can hardly be an in-depth study
school. The redefinition of national guidelines and l.attenzione mail to the study of twentieth century
already going in this direction would be desirable, and we expect that
others (especially the authors and publishers of school books, so much that they have had and have
in improving educational dell.offerta) make their offering more
attention not only peace but also the issue of those. peacemakers.
who marked our history and our culture.
. Peace must be made at school.
Among the projects undertaken to promote peace l.educazione
Particular attention will be given to the project. Peace must be made at school., To which all schools are invited to attend.
. Peace must be made at school. is a project started in December 2006 by
cooperation between the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Defence and
associations and organizations working for peace education projects and development cooperation throughout the national territory
and Europe.
The primary objective of the project is to expand and develop in the younger generations
l.educazione to peace, cooperation, respect for difference and
other cultures, values \u200b\u200bmust be based on which the society of tomorrow. The project also
provides support for schools to design appropriate training courses,
consistent with the specific territorial, to be carried in close liaison with the
families and other persons and institutions at local level.
The project consists of several actions supported by a portal specially constituted
This portal allows you to:
- give visibility projects that schools are making to spread the culture of peace
- l.attivazione promote a network of exchanges between students of Italian schools already
and schools in Lebanon.
- initiate twinning with Italian schools and Lebanese
order to design libraries, recreation centers and other facilities whose construction
could be treated by our soldiers and NGOs were already there.
- launching a discussion forum which represents an area of \u200b\u200bcomparison for
schools on issues of peace and cooperation and that puts students in touch with
our soldiers on duty, who can connect to the forum anch.essi \u200b\u200b
using a specially created password.
Minister General
FM Conventual P. Marco Tasca
Custodian of the Basilica of San Francesco P. Vincenzo Coli
Minister of Education Giuseppe Fioroni
Small Growth On Uvula
TU Education
DECREE April 16, 1994, No. 297
Rule 200 - Tuition and cases of exemption
1. For schools and schools of higher secondary education tuition fees are:
a) the registration fee;
b) fee rate;
c) fee for aptitude tests, supplementary licensing, qualification, maturity and Licensing;
d) fee for issuance of diplomas.
2. The amounts determined by the table for them and attached to the Law of 28 February 1986, No 41 (Finance Act 1986) are adjusted by decree of the President of the Council of Ministers, upon proposal of the Minister of Finance, after consideration by the Council of Ministers, as provided in Article 7, paragraph 1, of decree-law on April 27 1990, no 1990, converted with amendments into law June 26, 1990, No 165.
3. From the date of entry into force of the decrees to be issued pursuant to Article 4 of the Law of 24 December 1993 537, registration fees and attendance in schools and secondary schools higher, including art schools and art schools, and examination fees and certificate are determined annually by the Minister of Finance, in consultation with the Ministers of the Treasury and Education. Its revenues are collected budgets of the schools concerned for the needs of operation, administrative and teaching.
4. In the determination of the fees referred to in paragraph 3 are no measures in relation to different income groups, based on household income, resulting from the annual declaration made for tax purposes.
5. Are exempted from payment of school fees:
- students who have achieved an overall rating of good in the license average or a score not less than eight tenths of the media in the final scrutiny;
- students from families with total income not exceeding the limits laid down in Article 28, paragraph 4, of Law February 28, 1986, No 41 (Finance Act 1986), limits which, under Article 21, paragraph 9 of the Law of March 11, 1988, No 67 (Finance Act 1988) are re-evaluated, from the year 1988, because of the planned inflation rate, rounded to 1,000 lire higher.
6. In order to identify the income referred to in paragraph 5 shall take into account the student's personal income only when it derives from the employment relationship, in the absence of personal income from employment, takes into account the total income of family members required for the maintenance obligation.
7. They are also exempted from school fees, and from stamp duty, students and candidates belonging to the families of disadvantaged economic conditions and fall under one of the following categories:
a) orphans of war, who fell for the liberation struggle of civilians killed for acts of war, fallen because of employment or work;
b) of children maimed or disabled in war or the liberation struggle, the military declared missing, maimed or disabled civilians for acts of war, maimed or disabled because of service or work;
c) civilian blind.
8. At the same condition the pantry is granted to those who are themselves disabled or maimed in war or the liberation struggle, maimed or disabled civilians for acts of war, maimed or disabled because of service or work.
9. For the purposes of exemption is provided in the voting conducted not less than eight tenths.
10. Foreign students who enroll in institutions and state schools and the children of Italian citizens living abroad who are to carry out their studies in Italy are exempt from paying taxes, for foreign students dispensation is granted on a reciprocal basis.
11. The benefits under this article are lost by students who incur a disciplinary penalty of suspension of more than five days or in more severe disciplinary punishment. The benefits are suspended for repeating the same, except in cases of proven illness.
DECREE April 16, 1994, No. 297
Rule 200 - Tuition and cases of exemption
1. For schools and schools of higher secondary education tuition fees are:
a) the registration fee;
b) fee rate;
c) fee for aptitude tests, supplementary licensing, qualification, maturity and Licensing;
d) fee for issuance of diplomas.
2. The amounts determined by the table for them and attached to the Law of 28 February 1986, No 41 (Finance Act 1986) are adjusted by decree of the President of the Council of Ministers, upon proposal of the Minister of Finance, after consideration by the Council of Ministers, as provided in Article 7, paragraph 1, of decree-law on April 27 1990, no 1990, converted with amendments into law June 26, 1990, No 165.
3. From the date of entry into force of the decrees to be issued pursuant to Article 4 of the Law of 24 December 1993 537, registration fees and attendance in schools and secondary schools higher, including art schools and art schools, and examination fees and certificate are determined annually by the Minister of Finance, in consultation with the Ministers of the Treasury and Education. Its revenues are collected budgets of the schools concerned for the needs of operation, administrative and teaching.
4. In the determination of the fees referred to in paragraph 3 are no measures in relation to different income groups, based on household income, resulting from the annual declaration made for tax purposes.
5. Are exempted from payment of school fees:
- students who have achieved an overall rating of good in the license average or a score not less than eight tenths of the media in the final scrutiny;
- students from families with total income not exceeding the limits laid down in Article 28, paragraph 4, of Law February 28, 1986, No 41 (Finance Act 1986), limits which, under Article 21, paragraph 9 of the Law of March 11, 1988, No 67 (Finance Act 1988) are re-evaluated, from the year 1988, because of the planned inflation rate, rounded to 1,000 lire higher.
6. In order to identify the income referred to in paragraph 5 shall take into account the student's personal income only when it derives from the employment relationship, in the absence of personal income from employment, takes into account the total income of family members required for the maintenance obligation.
7. They are also exempted from school fees, and from stamp duty, students and candidates belonging to the families of disadvantaged economic conditions and fall under one of the following categories:
a) orphans of war, who fell for the liberation struggle of civilians killed for acts of war, fallen because of employment or work;
b) of children maimed or disabled in war or the liberation struggle, the military declared missing, maimed or disabled civilians for acts of war, maimed or disabled because of service or work;
c) civilian blind.
8. At the same condition the pantry is granted to those who are themselves disabled or maimed in war or the liberation struggle, maimed or disabled civilians for acts of war, maimed or disabled because of service or work.
9. For the purposes of exemption is provided in the voting conducted not less than eight tenths.
10. Foreign students who enroll in institutions and state schools and the children of Italian citizens living abroad who are to carry out their studies in Italy are exempt from paying taxes, for foreign students dispensation is granted on a reciprocal basis.
11. The benefits under this article are lost by students who incur a disciplinary penalty of suspension of more than five days or in more severe disciplinary punishment. The benefits are suspended for repeating the same, except in cases of proven illness.
Kennel Cough In Nursing Puppies
ban smoking
Law November 11, 1975, No 584
(in Gazz. No., December 5, n. 322).
Ban on smoking in certain premises and on public transport
Article 1.
E 'smoking:
a) in the hospital ward, in the classrooms of schools of all levels, in vehicles owned by the State, public bodies and private concessionaires of public services for public transport of people on subways; in waiting rooms of railway stations, autofilotranviarie, sea-port and airport in the rail sector reserved for non-smokers should be placed in each train travelers of the State railway trains and rail travel concession to date in private compartments and a berth in the reported sleeping cars occupied by more than one person during the service night
b) in enclosed spaces that are used as public meeting halls closed movie house or theater, closed dance halls, theaters-racing, in meeting rooms of the academies, museums, libraries and theaters Reading open to the public in the galleries and public art galleries or open to the public.
Article 2. In
coaches is not unique to smoking, the railway authorities should expose, in a visible location, alerts, showing the smoking ban, in the paintings of the requirements for the public should be given also provided with details of penalties imposed on violators.
For the finding of infringement and breach of the dispute are subject to the rules in force for the railways of the State, granted to private industry for the railways and other public transport which, in lack of discipline specifically, the rules in force for the railways of the State as compatible.
Those who are entitled to applicable law, regulation or provision of authority to ensure order within the premises specified in art. 1, letters a) and b), as well as the conductors of the premises referred to in subparagraph b) of this article, see to the observance of the ban, explaining, in a visible position, reproducing the standard signs stating the penalty imposed on offenders.
Article 3.
The conductor of one of the premises specified in Article. 1, letter b) may obtain an exemption from compliance with the provisions of Article. 1 of this law when installing an air conditioning or ventilation, respectively corresponding to the characteristics of definition and classification determined by the Italian unification (UNI).
To this end, the mayor must be submitted together with the appropriate application of the air conditioning project contains the technical characteristics of operation and installation.
The exemption from the prohibition on smoking shall be permitted by the mayor, after hearing the medical officer.
Minister for Health shall implement, within one hundred eighty days from the date of publication of this law after consulting the Board of Health, provisions regarding the limits of temperature, relative humidity, speed and timing of fresh air in the rooms referred art. 1, letter b), under which will operate the air conditioning or ventilation.
Article 4.
standards in art. 2, third paragraph, of Law August 14, 1971, No 819, are extended for the purchase and system installation in the first paragraph of art. 3, the operators or owners of the cinemas belonging to the categories of medium and small cinema exhibition, wherever located and already in operation before the date of entry into force of this Act.
Article 5.
Without prejudice to the penalties provided for in this Law, the public security authorities may adopt measures under Article. 140 of the Regulation for the implementation of the consolidated public safety laws June 18, 1931, No 773, approved by Royal Decree of 6 May 1940, n. 635, in the cases:
a) they contravene the rules of Article. 2, third paragraph;
b) air-conditioning systems are not working or are not conducted in a manner appropriate or are not perfectly efficient.
Regardless of measures taken by the public security, authorization, exemption from compliance of the smoking ban under Article. 3, third paragraph, shall be suspended by the local police in the cases referred to in subparagraph b) of the preceding paragraph. The suspension may be revoked by the mayor, after hearing the medical officer, after finding the precise efficiency of the plant in operation, if such application is submitted by the holder of the premises.
In cases of repeated violations of the provisions contained in the letter b) of the first paragraph of this article or particularly severe violations, the mayor may revoke, after hearing the medical officer, the authorization for exemption from compliance of smoke-free provisions of art. 3, third paragraph.
Article 6.
are charged to the tenant of a set of local art. 1, letter b), all expenses necessary to carry out the checks referred to in the preceding article.
Section 7.
Offenders with art. 1 of this Law shall be subject to administrative sanction for payment of a sum of one thousand pounds to ten thousand pounds.
The persons referred to in the third paragraph of art. 2 which does not comply with the provisions contained in this Article shall be subject to payment of a sum of twenty thousand pounds to one hundred thousand lire, and this sum is increased by half in the cases provided for in art. 5, first paragraph, letter b).
The obligation to pay the amounts provided for in this law is not transmissible to heirs.
Article 8.
Violation, when possible, should be reported immediately to the offender, who is permitted to pay the minimum penalty in the hands of those who finds the violation.
If the dispute has not been personal to the offender, the particulars of the breach must be notified to beneficiaries residing in Italy within a period of thirty days after the.
If payment is not done immediately, the offender may do so within the period mandatory fifteen days from the date of notification of a dispute or even by means of payment in postal account at the place and in the manner specified in the verbal notification of the violation.
From the sixteenth day and until the sixtieth day after the protest or notification, the offender shall be permitted to pay, in the manner provided for in the preceding paragraph, an amount equal to one third of the maximum penalty. Article 9.
eligible party to establish the offenses, according to the rules referred to in art. 2 of this Act, does not take place if the payment referred to in art. 8, present report to the prefect, with proof of claims made or notifications. The prefect
if they believe founded the question, having heard the interested parties if they so request within fifteen days of the closing date for the offering, shall determine, by reasoned order, the sum due for the violation within the time limits, minimum and maximum provided by law and ordering the payment, together with the costs for the notifications, the infringer.
The injunction seeks a deadline for payment, which can not be less than thirty days and more than ninety days of notification.
The injunction is enforceable. Against it the parties concerned can bring action before a magistrate of the place where the violation has been established within maximum prefix for payment. The bringing of
before the magistrate does not suspend the enforcement of the assets of those against whom the order was issued, unless the court deems to have otherwise.
In opposition proceedings, the opponent may sue and be sued without the ministry of defense notwithstanding the provisions of art. 82, second paragraph of the Code of Civil Procedure. Procedural documents are exempt from stamp duty and its decision is not subject to the formalities of registration.
The opposition is proposing an action. The magistrate fixed by decree of the court appearance, to be held within twenty days, and has a notification by the Court of Appeal and the decree of the prefect and stakeholders.
E 'the final decision that decides the dispute.
Article 10.
The right to collect the amounts due for violations specified in this Law shall lapse within five years from the date on which the violation occurred.
Article 11.
Subject to the provisions of art. 9, once the specified period for payment, the collection of sums due, shall at the request of the Health Finance Office, through enforced compliance with the rules of the single text approved by Royal Decree of 14 April 1910 No 639, the compulsory collection of State taxes and other public bodies.
Article 12.
This Act comes into force on the eightieth day after the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic.
Law November 11, 1975, No 584
(in Gazz. No., December 5, n. 322).
Ban on smoking in certain premises and on public transport
Article 1.
E 'smoking:
a) in the hospital ward, in the classrooms of schools of all levels, in vehicles owned by the State, public bodies and private concessionaires of public services for public transport of people on subways; in waiting rooms of railway stations, autofilotranviarie, sea-port and airport in the rail sector reserved for non-smokers should be placed in each train travelers of the State railway trains and rail travel concession to date in private compartments and a berth in the reported sleeping cars occupied by more than one person during the service night
b) in enclosed spaces that are used as public meeting halls closed movie house or theater, closed dance halls, theaters-racing, in meeting rooms of the academies, museums, libraries and theaters Reading open to the public in the galleries and public art galleries or open to the public.
Article 2. In
coaches is not unique to smoking, the railway authorities should expose, in a visible location, alerts, showing the smoking ban, in the paintings of the requirements for the public should be given also provided with details of penalties imposed on violators.
For the finding of infringement and breach of the dispute are subject to the rules in force for the railways of the State, granted to private industry for the railways and other public transport which, in lack of discipline specifically, the rules in force for the railways of the State as compatible.
Those who are entitled to applicable law, regulation or provision of authority to ensure order within the premises specified in art. 1, letters a) and b), as well as the conductors of the premises referred to in subparagraph b) of this article, see to the observance of the ban, explaining, in a visible position, reproducing the standard signs stating the penalty imposed on offenders.
Article 3.
The conductor of one of the premises specified in Article. 1, letter b) may obtain an exemption from compliance with the provisions of Article. 1 of this law when installing an air conditioning or ventilation, respectively corresponding to the characteristics of definition and classification determined by the Italian unification (UNI).
To this end, the mayor must be submitted together with the appropriate application of the air conditioning project contains the technical characteristics of operation and installation.
The exemption from the prohibition on smoking shall be permitted by the mayor, after hearing the medical officer.
Minister for Health shall implement, within one hundred eighty days from the date of publication of this law after consulting the Board of Health, provisions regarding the limits of temperature, relative humidity, speed and timing of fresh air in the rooms referred art. 1, letter b), under which will operate the air conditioning or ventilation.
Article 4.
standards in art. 2, third paragraph, of Law August 14, 1971, No 819, are extended for the purchase and system installation in the first paragraph of art. 3, the operators or owners of the cinemas belonging to the categories of medium and small cinema exhibition, wherever located and already in operation before the date of entry into force of this Act.
Article 5.
Without prejudice to the penalties provided for in this Law, the public security authorities may adopt measures under Article. 140 of the Regulation for the implementation of the consolidated public safety laws June 18, 1931, No 773, approved by Royal Decree of 6 May 1940, n. 635, in the cases:
a) they contravene the rules of Article. 2, third paragraph;
b) air-conditioning systems are not working or are not conducted in a manner appropriate or are not perfectly efficient.
Regardless of measures taken by the public security, authorization, exemption from compliance of the smoking ban under Article. 3, third paragraph, shall be suspended by the local police in the cases referred to in subparagraph b) of the preceding paragraph. The suspension may be revoked by the mayor, after hearing the medical officer, after finding the precise efficiency of the plant in operation, if such application is submitted by the holder of the premises.
In cases of repeated violations of the provisions contained in the letter b) of the first paragraph of this article or particularly severe violations, the mayor may revoke, after hearing the medical officer, the authorization for exemption from compliance of smoke-free provisions of art. 3, third paragraph.
Article 6.
are charged to the tenant of a set of local art. 1, letter b), all expenses necessary to carry out the checks referred to in the preceding article.
Section 7.
Offenders with art. 1 of this Law shall be subject to administrative sanction for payment of a sum of one thousand pounds to ten thousand pounds.
The persons referred to in the third paragraph of art. 2 which does not comply with the provisions contained in this Article shall be subject to payment of a sum of twenty thousand pounds to one hundred thousand lire, and this sum is increased by half in the cases provided for in art. 5, first paragraph, letter b).
The obligation to pay the amounts provided for in this law is not transmissible to heirs.
Article 8.
Violation, when possible, should be reported immediately to the offender, who is permitted to pay the minimum penalty in the hands of those who finds the violation.
If the dispute has not been personal to the offender, the particulars of the breach must be notified to beneficiaries residing in Italy within a period of thirty days after the.
If payment is not done immediately, the offender may do so within the period mandatory fifteen days from the date of notification of a dispute or even by means of payment in postal account at the place and in the manner specified in the verbal notification of the violation.
From the sixteenth day and until the sixtieth day after the protest or notification, the offender shall be permitted to pay, in the manner provided for in the preceding paragraph, an amount equal to one third of the maximum penalty. Article 9.
eligible party to establish the offenses, according to the rules referred to in art. 2 of this Act, does not take place if the payment referred to in art. 8, present report to the prefect, with proof of claims made or notifications. The prefect
if they believe founded the question, having heard the interested parties if they so request within fifteen days of the closing date for the offering, shall determine, by reasoned order, the sum due for the violation within the time limits, minimum and maximum provided by law and ordering the payment, together with the costs for the notifications, the infringer.
The injunction seeks a deadline for payment, which can not be less than thirty days and more than ninety days of notification.
The injunction is enforceable. Against it the parties concerned can bring action before a magistrate of the place where the violation has been established within maximum prefix for payment. The bringing of
before the magistrate does not suspend the enforcement of the assets of those against whom the order was issued, unless the court deems to have otherwise.
In opposition proceedings, the opponent may sue and be sued without the ministry of defense notwithstanding the provisions of art. 82, second paragraph of the Code of Civil Procedure. Procedural documents are exempt from stamp duty and its decision is not subject to the formalities of registration.
The opposition is proposing an action. The magistrate fixed by decree of the court appearance, to be held within twenty days, and has a notification by the Court of Appeal and the decree of the prefect and stakeholders.
E 'the final decision that decides the dispute.
Article 10.
The right to collect the amounts due for violations specified in this Law shall lapse within five years from the date on which the violation occurred.
Article 11.
Subject to the provisions of art. 9, once the specified period for payment, the collection of sums due, shall at the request of the Health Finance Office, through enforced compliance with the rules of the single text approved by Royal Decree of 14 April 1910 No 639, the compulsory collection of State taxes and other public bodies.
Article 12.
This Act comes into force on the eightieth day after the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic.
How To Connect Ballast To Bulb?
students use cell phones and Discipline Regulations 2007
Minister of Education
Prot No 30/dip./segr. Rome, 15 March 2007
the Regional General Managers
Their head offices for directors of provincial education offices
They Locations
the superintendent of schools for the Province of Bolzano
the superintendent of schools for the Province of Trento
All'Intendente School to School German
All'Intendente School for the local school superintendent Al Ladin
studies for the region Valle d'Aosta Aosta
for knowledge:
heads of autonomous institutions
Minister of Education
SUBJECT: guidelines and instructions on the use of "mobile phones
"and other electronic devices during the teaching,
imposition of disciplinary sanctions, duty to supervise and co-responsibility of parents and teachers
Recent news events that have affected the school, the transgression of the most trivial rules of social coexistence (misuse of mobile phones and other disruptive behavior at course of the lessons) up to bullying and violence, deal with situations which, though emphasized by the media, should not be underestimated. They represent the risk of the spread of a process of progressive loss of both a culture of compliance that the knowledge that the freedom of the individual must be a limit on the freedom of others.
Faced with what the school is a key resource in assuming the role of place of civil and cultural growth for the full exploitation of the person, reinforcing the existence of an educational community where children and adults, teachers and parents are involved in educational alliance that will help to identify not only content and skills to be acquired but also the objectives and values \u200b\u200bto be passed together to build identity, belonging, and responsibility.
to achieve these aims contributes to school autonomy, constitutionally recognized that, having overcome the current purely centralized education and citizen education allows the individual school concert, face, building agreements, create the space in where families, students, school staff can be heard, take responsibility and commitments, share a path of growth of human and civil person.
effective education of young people is the result coordinated action between family and school, in the spirit of shared principles and objectives, avoiding those conflicts that have always serious consequences on the effectiveness of the training process.
Therefore, all components in the school which express the autonomy of schools, particularly the head teacher, which is an essential element of synthesis, to be opened by a period of reflection on the issues covered by this Directive, to promote all the useful initiatives, including the revision of the Rules of discipline of the students, referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 14 of DPR 275/99.
In this perspective, we intend to provide, while respecting the autonomy education, freedom of education and guarantee the right to education, guidelines and explanatory guidance, calling for appropriate operational initiatives.
Using cell phones and other electronic devices during teaching
At the outset, it is quite clear that the prohibition of mobile phone use during school hours to respond to a general standard of fairness which, however, is a formal duties as codified in the Charter of the female students and students of the DPR June 24, 1998, No 249.
In such circumstances, the use of cell phones and other electronic devices is an element distraction for those who use it for his teammates as well as a serious lack of respect for the teacher setting, therefore, an offense punishable by disciplinary action oriented not only to prevent and deter such conduct but also, according to a logic of its educational of the school, to stimulate the students' awareness of the negative value of the same.
list of general duties set out in Article 3 of Presidential Decree No. 249/1998 suggests the existence of a specific duty for each student, not to use the phone, or other electronic devices during the conduct of educational activities, recognizing that the learner has the duty to:
- assiduously to fulfill the commitments of study during the hours of lessons (paragraph 1);
- to behave respectful of others (Section 2), as well as correct and consistent with the principles of art. 1 (paragraph 3);
- to comply with organizational rules and regulations issued by the school (paragraph 4).
breach of that duty involves, therefore, the imposition of disciplinary measures specifically identified by each school, as part of its autonomy, within the regulatory institution.
is therefore necessary that the regulations are required to institute appropriate sanctions according to the principle of proportionality, including that the temporary withdrawal of the phone during school hours, in case of misuse of it.
Where it thinks fit, the regulation of organization may provide the most appropriate organizational measures to prevent, during teaching, the occurrence of the phenomenon of incorrect use of mobile phones.
is understood that, even during the course of teaching activities, any need for communication between students and families, motivated by reasons of urgency or seriousness, they can always be met, permission of instructor. The school will continue, however, to ensure, as is always the case, the possibility of reciprocal communication between families and their children, for serious and urgent reasons, through the offices of the Bureau and Administrative Office.
The ban on using mobile phones during the course of teaching - learning, moreover, also works against the teachers (see Circular No. 362, August 25, 1998), in consideration of the obligations arising from existing and CCNL the need within the school community to ensure the best conditions for the smooth running and effective teaching, coupled with the need to provide education to the learners a role model example by adults.
For the above reasons, we point out the need for each school to acquire a self-regulation institution and transfer it to decline, adequate and effective, the principles laid down by the Statute of female students and students, according to the specific needs of the school community, paying particular attention to the identification of a repertoire of sanctions to ensure the highest effort, the actual compliance with the rules laid down in defense of the value of law and a proper civil society.
The Ministry will make available to schools, through publication on the website, examples of regulation institution that will come at the initiative of the same schools.
disciplinary measures to students
With the entry into force of the Statute of female students and students is a transition from a punitive model, which focuses on a purely repressive, to a new system under which the student, in the event of breaches of discipline must be punished, but the same shall also be required to conduct active compensatory in nature - aimed at achieving a restorative educational purpose, by virtue of the provisions of the specific rules of the institution and to anticipate the
principle of autonomy of institutions school. In particular, the school is asked to predict the activation of educational recovery activities including through the holding of "remedial" or social relevance, however, oriented towards the pursuit of a general interest of the school community (such as cleaning of classrooms , minor maintenance, activities or volunteer service within the school community, ...).
The disciplinary sanction, even if incorporated in a new logic, also continues to play its indispensable role of effective response to a fault, as well as to prevent the carrying out of any breaches of discipline. How
n.16/2007 already clarified in the directive, the general principle of having a removal of more than 15 days, since art. 4, paragraph 7 of dprn249/1998 may be waived when both in the presence of facts of criminal law, or there is no danger to the safety of persons (paragraph 9 of the Decree).
In both situations the sentence is commensurate with the seriousness of the offense or the continuing danger. "
It seems appropriate that the regulations referred to discipline, when the situations identified above, provide for severe penalties commensurate with the particular gravity of the conduct by the students. In
From this perspective, the Ministry has initiated the process of revising the Articles 4 and 5 of the Statute of female students and students in order to allow one hand, the simplification and streamlining of procedures for the imposition and appeal of disciplinary sanctions and, on ' other things, the possible application of sanctions is particularly incisive, according to a progressive principle of proportionality and, in exceptional cases that present a very serious connotations.
In particular, the new regulations stipulate that in these latter cases, strictly identified by the school regulation, the penalty may result in exclusion from the final ballot or not admission to for the state of the course.
The duty to supervise and co-responsibility of parents and teachers
With reference to the component of parents, please note that, under the amendments to the Statute of female students and students, it is possible for each school to ask parents at the time of registration, or at least the beginning of each school year, to sign a "social compact of shared responsibility" in order to give effect to the full participation of families.
The active involvement of all members of the school community, in fact, is a necessary condition for the realization of autonomy school and educational success. With this tool
families as part of a more detailed definition and shared understanding of "rights and duties" of the parents towards the school's commitment to respond directly to the work of their children when, for example, the same cause damage to other persons or schools, or, more generally, violate the obligations enshrined in the rules of school and suffer as a result, the application of a sanction also of a pecuniary nature.
With regard to ethical and professional responsibilities of managers, teachers and the teaching staff, please note that the duty of supervision behavior of the students there in all the school space and requires timely reporting to the competent authorities of any offense, especially in the case of violence mentioned above, duty and failure to comply is a matter of subject assessment.
G. Fioroni
Minister of Education
Prot No 30/dip./segr. Rome, 15 March 2007
the Regional General Managers
Their head offices for directors of provincial education offices
They Locations
the superintendent of schools for the Province of Bolzano
the superintendent of schools for the Province of Trento
All'Intendente School to School German
All'Intendente School for the local school superintendent Al Ladin
studies for the region Valle d'Aosta Aosta
for knowledge:
heads of autonomous institutions
Minister of Education
SUBJECT: guidelines and instructions on the use of "mobile phones
"and other electronic devices during the teaching,
imposition of disciplinary sanctions, duty to supervise and co-responsibility of parents and teachers
Recent news events that have affected the school, the transgression of the most trivial rules of social coexistence (misuse of mobile phones and other disruptive behavior at course of the lessons) up to bullying and violence, deal with situations which, though emphasized by the media, should not be underestimated. They represent the risk of the spread of a process of progressive loss of both a culture of compliance that the knowledge that the freedom of the individual must be a limit on the freedom of others.
Faced with what the school is a key resource in assuming the role of place of civil and cultural growth for the full exploitation of the person, reinforcing the existence of an educational community where children and adults, teachers and parents are involved in educational alliance that will help to identify not only content and skills to be acquired but also the objectives and values \u200b\u200bto be passed together to build identity, belonging, and responsibility.
to achieve these aims contributes to school autonomy, constitutionally recognized that, having overcome the current purely centralized education and citizen education allows the individual school concert, face, building agreements, create the space in where families, students, school staff can be heard, take responsibility and commitments, share a path of growth of human and civil person.
effective education of young people is the result coordinated action between family and school, in the spirit of shared principles and objectives, avoiding those conflicts that have always serious consequences on the effectiveness of the training process.
Therefore, all components in the school which express the autonomy of schools, particularly the head teacher, which is an essential element of synthesis, to be opened by a period of reflection on the issues covered by this Directive, to promote all the useful initiatives, including the revision of the Rules of discipline of the students, referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 14 of DPR 275/99.
In this perspective, we intend to provide, while respecting the autonomy education, freedom of education and guarantee the right to education, guidelines and explanatory guidance, calling for appropriate operational initiatives.
Using cell phones and other electronic devices during teaching
At the outset, it is quite clear that the prohibition of mobile phone use during school hours to respond to a general standard of fairness which, however, is a formal duties as codified in the Charter of the female students and students of the DPR June 24, 1998, No 249.
In such circumstances, the use of cell phones and other electronic devices is an element distraction for those who use it for his teammates as well as a serious lack of respect for the teacher setting, therefore, an offense punishable by disciplinary action oriented not only to prevent and deter such conduct but also, according to a logic of its educational of the school, to stimulate the students' awareness of the negative value of the same.
list of general duties set out in Article 3 of Presidential Decree No. 249/1998 suggests the existence of a specific duty for each student, not to use the phone, or other electronic devices during the conduct of educational activities, recognizing that the learner has the duty to:
- assiduously to fulfill the commitments of study during the hours of lessons (paragraph 1);
- to behave respectful of others (Section 2), as well as correct and consistent with the principles of art. 1 (paragraph 3);
- to comply with organizational rules and regulations issued by the school (paragraph 4).
breach of that duty involves, therefore, the imposition of disciplinary measures specifically identified by each school, as part of its autonomy, within the regulatory institution.
is therefore necessary that the regulations are required to institute appropriate sanctions according to the principle of proportionality, including that the temporary withdrawal of the phone during school hours, in case of misuse of it.
Where it thinks fit, the regulation of organization may provide the most appropriate organizational measures to prevent, during teaching, the occurrence of the phenomenon of incorrect use of mobile phones.
is understood that, even during the course of teaching activities, any need for communication between students and families, motivated by reasons of urgency or seriousness, they can always be met, permission of instructor. The school will continue, however, to ensure, as is always the case, the possibility of reciprocal communication between families and their children, for serious and urgent reasons, through the offices of the Bureau and Administrative Office.
The ban on using mobile phones during the course of teaching - learning, moreover, also works against the teachers (see Circular No. 362, August 25, 1998), in consideration of the obligations arising from existing and CCNL the need within the school community to ensure the best conditions for the smooth running and effective teaching, coupled with the need to provide education to the learners a role model example by adults.
For the above reasons, we point out the need for each school to acquire a self-regulation institution and transfer it to decline, adequate and effective, the principles laid down by the Statute of female students and students, according to the specific needs of the school community, paying particular attention to the identification of a repertoire of sanctions to ensure the highest effort, the actual compliance with the rules laid down in defense of the value of law and a proper civil society.
The Ministry will make available to schools, through publication on the website, examples of regulation institution that will come at the initiative of the same schools.
disciplinary measures to students
With the entry into force of the Statute of female students and students is a transition from a punitive model, which focuses on a purely repressive, to a new system under which the student, in the event of breaches of discipline must be punished, but the same shall also be required to conduct active compensatory in nature - aimed at achieving a restorative educational purpose, by virtue of the provisions of the specific rules of the institution and to anticipate the
principle of autonomy of institutions school. In particular, the school is asked to predict the activation of educational recovery activities including through the holding of "remedial" or social relevance, however, oriented towards the pursuit of a general interest of the school community (such as cleaning of classrooms , minor maintenance, activities or volunteer service within the school community, ...).
The disciplinary sanction, even if incorporated in a new logic, also continues to play its indispensable role of effective response to a fault, as well as to prevent the carrying out of any breaches of discipline. How
n.16/2007 already clarified in the directive, the general principle of having a removal of more than 15 days, since art. 4, paragraph 7 of dprn249/1998 may be waived when both in the presence of facts of criminal law, or there is no danger to the safety of persons (paragraph 9 of the Decree).
In both situations the sentence is commensurate with the seriousness of the offense or the continuing danger. "
It seems appropriate that the regulations referred to discipline, when the situations identified above, provide for severe penalties commensurate with the particular gravity of the conduct by the students. In
From this perspective, the Ministry has initiated the process of revising the Articles 4 and 5 of the Statute of female students and students in order to allow one hand, the simplification and streamlining of procedures for the imposition and appeal of disciplinary sanctions and, on ' other things, the possible application of sanctions is particularly incisive, according to a progressive principle of proportionality and, in exceptional cases that present a very serious connotations.
In particular, the new regulations stipulate that in these latter cases, strictly identified by the school regulation, the penalty may result in exclusion from the final ballot or not admission to for the state of the course.
The duty to supervise and co-responsibility of parents and teachers
With reference to the component of parents, please note that, under the amendments to the Statute of female students and students, it is possible for each school to ask parents at the time of registration, or at least the beginning of each school year, to sign a "social compact of shared responsibility" in order to give effect to the full participation of families.
The active involvement of all members of the school community, in fact, is a necessary condition for the realization of autonomy school and educational success. With this tool
families as part of a more detailed definition and shared understanding of "rights and duties" of the parents towards the school's commitment to respond directly to the work of their children when, for example, the same cause damage to other persons or schools, or, more generally, violate the obligations enshrined in the rules of school and suffer as a result, the application of a sanction also of a pecuniary nature.
With regard to ethical and professional responsibilities of managers, teachers and the teaching staff, please note that the duty of supervision behavior of the students there in all the school space and requires timely reporting to the competent authorities of any offense, especially in the case of violence mentioned above, duty and failure to comply is a matter of subject assessment.
G. Fioroni
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