all. prot. 4751 October 4, 2007
Ministry of Education
Department Directorate General for Education for Students
a National Program. Peace must be made to the School.,
October 4 - National Day of Peace School. Abstract
l.intelligenza Educating the heart and the person to the understanding of diversity is
l.impegno the school for some time and has set his teachers, with students and families
, pursued with passion and
commitment towards the development of the human person.
which has created a legacy that accumulated over the years, today we can enjoy many
, established and profitable business school education for peace, respect and solidarity
between peoples, is today a heritage that must be
systematically and organically integrated with the achievements, but similarly
ways and in different contexts, from social organizations, institutions and associations that operate
in Italian society.
From such a meeting should be born of the synergy that will allow all.Italia
respond effectively and with great effectiveness to the UN resolution 53/25 of 10 November 1998
(with which the period 2001-2010 has been proclaimed the International Decade for a Culture
Peace and Nonviolence for the children at the World), the
. Declaration on a Culture of Peace. dell.ONU of September 13, 1999 and the related
. d.Azione Plan for the Culture of Peace .. This will then give a concrete answer
as already mentioned above dall.ONU, specifically in the Constitution of the United Nations
dell.Organizzazione l.Educazione, Scientific and Cultural Organization, which stated that
. since the war began in the minds of men is
in the minds of human beings who must begin to build peace .. Peace development education as
Thanks also to the possibilities offered dall.autonomia school and in line with the new
national guidelines for primary schools and the development of those.
citizenship skills. that the new compulsory education pursues, schools can and should
provide opportunities in which to develop its cross dell.insegnamento
involving family members, especially experts and local administrative authorities, agencies and NGOs
printing to enrich the stock of knowledge of the student. To this end, there are many
. Good practice. tested over time and that schools are scattered
, projected all.esterno and systematically re-proposed with maximum deployment
If the phenomenon of globalization, which has often and rightly assumed a negative connotation
economic. consumer, could be directed to
shared values, experiences and life choices, in which
quality is prevalent on the quantity, l.educazione could take a strong role for a new and positive meaning of the term
. The process of globalization, facilitated by the rapid
development of new information technologies and communication, although
represents a challenge for cultural differences, at the same time creates the conditions for a
renewed dialogue between different cultures and civilizations. It is therefore necessary to overcome
the local perspective, Italian or European, to mature a global view on the reality
and combat forms of prejudice and discrimination, educating children to develop awareness
dell.essere interdependent subjects.
Educating for peace also means thinking about the economic and social development in
new terms. For a long time it was believed that economic prosperity was the
essential component of development, it is now believed that should be taken into account
not only economic issues but the whole complex of human needs and environmental
Industrial society is not l.unico community model developed and
people in Third World countries should be encouraged to seek their
original models, based on the twin principles and dell.autosufficienza dell.interdipendenza.
L.educazione Sustainable Development, a key aspect dell.educazione Peace, reflects
l.impegno to un.educazione quality dall.interdisciplinarità characterized by a holistic approach
and the development of critical thinking. In this perspective will be necessary to promote
networks, connections and interactions between classes, schools and institutions also
developing countries to increase the quality and dell.insegnamento l.interiorizzazione
the principles upon which l.educazione Sustainable Development .
addition, a proper relationship with l.ambiente is already a step towards peace
just because the territory in which we live is a collective good, learn to know and respect
means to humanize our quality of life and protect the nature. Peace as
promoting intercultural dialogue
The school has always played a vital role to encourage creativity and
to inspire genuine dialogue among cultures and why all schools should be
put in a position to implement programs of cultural exchanges with other countries.
The new multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multicultural
that are consolidating as a result of the unstoppable process of globalization and new migratory flows
, are the founding principles of a new nationality, aware and supportive
which new generations can in no way be strangers.
For this, the European Commission has declared that 2008 will be.
of the Year intercultural dialogue.: the promotion of a European Year is in fact
aimed at developing awareness among European citizens and, in particular among young people, the
importance in various fields of social life and individual cultural differences.
The school is then called with greater force to actively contribute
propose further activities to promote intercultural dialogue
to contribute to the development of an active European citizenship, open to the world, respecting cultural difference and
based on shared values.
Peace as constructive management and nonviolent conflict
the conflict. if channeled in the correct forms of representation and exercise
their democratic freedom - is a physiological phenomenon in the lives of individuals and companies
: otherwise, can easily degenerate into destructive violence. As also noted
Gandhi, often violent methods of conflict l.utilizzo
not reach a real solution, but are only temporarily silenced
then to evolve into more moments of confrontation. Luckily for all of us in the lives of individuals and companies
are countless cases where non-violence has made it possible to manage and resolve conflicts constructively
: that is why the heart dell.educazione to peace is to fight
l.insegnamento injustice and violence without using the same weapons,
using the tools of active nonviolence. Hence
l.importanza to acquire knowledge and techniques for understanding,
in all fields and at all levels of conflict processes in place, its causes and finding solutions
nonviolent potentially available. Peace
teaching and learning, so the school has a special responsibility
internalize the concept, large and complex peace and recognize l.importanza
substantial human rights forms the basis for the formation of responsible citizens, aware
rights and duties of each and committed to their protection, citizens engaged in their own reality
but open to the world.
schools, Local Authorities, Regions, and the world dell.informazione
more generally, all educational institutions should help develop the culture of
peace, nonviolence and human rights.
In this sense, the school is the privileged place where you can
improve the quality of life of people and where they can increase their capacity to participate in decision-making processes that guide
social, cultural and economic aspects of our society.
Students, teachers, school authorities, associations and local authorities can join
skills, needs, resources, enhancing the prominence of each building and
a dense network of business which has become more and more everyday and ordinary. What things
the peace that we want to teach?
is necessary to start with a definition of positive peace, that peace is not
defend, but to build together. Peace is not just absence of war, but a process
which tends to eliminate or minimize violent situations. Peace, in fact
. Is a social and international order in which all human rights can be fully realized
for all men and all women. (Article 28 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The culture of positive peace, peace as a project and commitment comes from the heart
dell.uomo, moved in society and should be considered nell.azione
policy of states and political institutions that can become bearers of a culture of peace.
L.apprendimento dell.azione and practice of peace and nonviolence and human rights should be directed
all.acquisizione sense of responsibility and must contribute
all.educazione dell.Altro respect. This is one. Lifestyle., A
. Way to be. that is learned through the study of particular disciplines
abstract but that. absorbs contact. because you are immersed in a.
atmosphere of living and learning. in which daily values \u200b\u200bof peace, respect dell.altro and
rules, understood as welfare. stay together., are lived and breathed a deep
lungs. The school (which perhaps is. Place. In which up to now such a
consciousness is more matured and more practiced are the principles)
is required to review some of its reporting mechanisms and to convert to peace his proposal
Life (in agreement with the families and the territory, otherwise it would be futile
every effort) and to provide a framework in which there is opportunity for cooperation and learning how to practice
of human and civil rights.
Peace at school
E. essential that the school is a place of peace, a place where one learns
the value of peace, where people live and grow in peace or in
recognition and respect for human rights. And when we say
school, we think the whole school community:
primarily students, from which much is expected and to whom much is asked
in terms of personal growth and sharing of efforts to l.istituzione ago
think of the families, called to mature
sharing educational aims of the school with enthusiasm and loyalty, giving up residual
selfish and destructive temptations;
think of the school staff, always on. card. schools,
called to create any space dell.edificio the. right climate. and transmitting the
their work a sense of respect for things and people;
think of the administrative staff required to manage tasks and organize work
l.autonomia school wants more and more complex and transparent
think teachers called once again to give his best
as educators and as people with values, knowing that their calls for the companies already
although not always very willing to give back what it receives;
think school directors, committed to legs and give breath to un.autonomia
that school. if it is a harbinger of great potential and educational opportunities. Their commitment requires a
and a. effort. previously unknown to the old. headteachers ..
A school of peace is, in fact, a school that reflects on itself and that. .. You think back
Everyone from the head teacher to teachers, students, employees and parents
must answer the question: what can we do to transform our school into a place of peace
is therefore necessary to think of peace in every moment of school life:
• From the moment you organize l.accoglienza students;
• all.accoglienza l.integrazione and non-Italian children in schools all
• . activation of specific pathways necessary for enforcement of equal opportunity
; •
the daily management of the school reports all.interno;
• the construction of common knowledge and culture as a process of
• educational choices designed to give space to the cultures and nationalities;
• participation in the care of school life of the various components
(students, parents, teachers, land, etc.).
• l.orientamento to care for and initiatives to combat the spread
school; •
to explode when the problems and must be addressed
with instruments of peace.
A culture of peace, which also aims to save succeeding generations from the spectrum of
war, can be reached through l.interiorizzazione l.acquisizione
values \u200b\u200band attitudes and behaviors that reflect and inspire social interaction and sharing
. Respect for difference, tolerance, dialogue and cooperation,
in a climate of trust and mutual understanding is a prerequisite for social cohesion
uneconomia and development of knowledge-based. The study of certain disciplines
, more specifically those involved in the reconstruction of the sense of community
(History, Civic l.Educzione, literature and, for older children, the law, the
Philosophy, History dell.Arte, l.Economia, the Natural Sciences.) are called to
connect the personal dimension of the conflicts experienced by children and how non-violent transformation
they experimented with larger sizes as
conflicts between peoples or between States, the revelation of the macro-economic processes, the artistic influences, the
literary evidence, dell.ecosistema protection, thereby
new perspectives in students the ability to read the global reality and the imagination of alternative solutions to those
regressive (or pathological) of war and violence.
pluralism and cultural dialogue are now prominent tools to contain and deter
phenomena of extremism and fanaticism and to facilitate the coexistence
l.arricchimento peaceful and reciprocal. The culture, the structured and aimed at creating
the person is the school's own (and it is so different from chance,
scientific and moral relativism, from the shallowness of so much. Pseudoculture.
flowing with each half, including our children) and is one of the few cards (but a card. strong. full of meanings
) they have today to overcome and win too many. fundamentalisms.
that pollute our civic consciousness.
Peace as a training base dell.offerta
L.educazione to peace, understanding as we attempted to specify date in more than
to be the fundamental value of reference for the definition of each Plan dell.offerta
training school, comes from a conscious
definition of responsibilities that every citizen must have to be able to get involved in democracy glo-cal. The concept of peace
all.interno of the school community can help to change the organizational and relational all.interno
size of the school and also to promote youth creativity
, no longer understood as a counterpart of bias.
adult protagonist. but in the key of a renewed and informed participation in community and civic
so that we can build the knowledge of a culture of peace is the daughter of the logic necessary to implement
paths. critical citizenship. also offering the school
visibility to those who actively work for peace and territory rights,
building networks between schools, local authorities and civil society.
skills to be acquired in the context of this knowledge are more orders, as well
reported by the Recommendation of the European Parliament and the Council of 18 December 2006
on key competences for lifelong learning and continued l.apprendimento
dall.indicazioni both national The curriculum of the school and the school of dell.infanzia
first cycle as well as the Regulations for l.innalzamento dell.obbligo education. They
skills ranging from self-centered to those facing the world,
passing through those allowing l.attenzione all.altro, group and social all.organizzazione
to take effect in all these indications of concrete
schools will benefit from the fundamental contribution of local authorities in recent years have made possible
l.attuazione of important projects of education for peace. The role of teachers
As amply demonstrated dall.esperienza education in Italian schools,
l.insegnante, is the biggest player in the spread of a culture of peace at school. You
job of teachers to manage classes in order to promote understanding,
mutual respect for differences, tolerance, l.eguaglianza Gender and l.amicizia
and solidarity. The teachers, supported by its governing bodies and institutions, have in fact
responsibility for transforming the classroom into a community awareness dell.importanza
bringing out the values \u200b\u200bof peace, cooperation, coexistence and sharing
creating and nurturing a real educational process in young people is in itself what
complex and fraught with difficulties, as you know our teachers. Imagine the difficulties of
un.educazione Peace in a society like ours, which is crossed by more and more strong and contradictory signals it
mixed. Is not it possible to put nell.offerta
training a subject in more than a project. It is not a new material to add
other teachings, nor is it to revive the old logic. Educations.,
finally disappeared. with new national guidelines.
curriculum from the perspective of the Italian school. L.operazione we have outlined so far, and that is rebranded
today is. as we have seen. very deep and complex and therefore could not be entrusted exclusively to
responsibility all.attività and one teacher.
Each teacher has the same responsibility and can contribute to this project
life in a unique and original.
You must, however, create (Including schools that have not already done) the specific references
all.interno assigning at least one school teacher
the function of coordinator of education programs for peace. Equally necessary is
l.introduzione in teaching materials of issues relating to
most relevant issues such as prevention and constructive management of violent conflicts, the
respect for cultural differences and human rights, l.ottica global sustainable development
which approach to knowledge and the settlement of certain environmental and social issues
by climate change. Valuing
countless experiences from schools
Each spontaneous peace initiatives and peace education is a positive and
as we have seen, for achieving the necessary cooperation of all personnel
school, especially for initiatives promoting the transition from occasional to systematic
dell.agire pedagogical peace.
E. must enter the paths of peace education in educational plans dell.Offerta
promoting activities that facilitate the active participation of students and the involvement of parents
. As said before, to be effective l.educazione
to peace should not be limited Wergeland values \u200b\u200band principles but be directed
E. important to be available and ready to use positively
. emergencies. internal and external building synergy with local authorities to meet the specific needs of
The school, in fact, can make a tangible contribution to building peace, solidarity and human rights
l.accoglienza favoring boys and l.integrazione not
Italian in schools through twinning and cultural exchanges with schools dell.Europa,
of . Africa, the Mediterranean and with schools in countries in conflict;
can engage students to participate directly in international cooperation projects to promote the development of a
intercultural and interfaith dialogue and can promote initiatives
repudiation of violence and boycott dell.uso weapons. Neither
l.importanza that would be underestimated, both for children and adolescents
, knowledge and study. each with their own mode of his age.
of personalities such as Gandhi, La Pira, Capitini, Lorenzo Milani, Spinelli (
to name a few), personality of which today can hardly be an in-depth study
school. The redefinition of national guidelines and l.attenzione mail to the study of twentieth century
already going in this direction would be desirable, and we expect that
others (especially the authors and publishers of school books, so much that they have had and have
in improving educational dell.offerta) make their offering more
attention not only peace but also the issue of those. peacemakers.
who marked our history and our culture.
. Peace must be made at school.
Among the projects undertaken to promote peace l.educazione
Particular attention will be given to the project. Peace must be made at school., To which all schools are invited to attend.
. Peace must be made at school. is a project started in December 2006 by
cooperation between the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Defence and
associations and organizations working for peace education projects and development cooperation throughout the national territory
and Europe.
The primary objective of the project is to expand and develop in the younger generations
l.educazione to peace, cooperation, respect for difference and
other cultures, values \u200b\u200bmust be based on which the society of tomorrow. The project also
provides support for schools to design appropriate training courses,
consistent with the specific territorial, to be carried in close liaison with the
families and other persons and institutions at local level.
The project consists of several actions supported by a portal specially constituted
This portal allows you to:
- give visibility projects that schools are making to spread the culture of peace
- l.attivazione promote a network of exchanges between students of Italian schools already
and schools in Lebanon.
- initiate twinning with Italian schools and Lebanese
order to design libraries, recreation centers and other facilities whose construction
could be treated by our soldiers and NGOs were already there.
- launching a discussion forum which represents an area of \u200b\u200bcomparison for
schools on issues of peace and cooperation and that puts students in touch with
our soldiers on duty, who can connect to the forum anch.essi \u200b\u200b
using a specially created password.
Minister General
FM Conventual P. Marco Tasca
Custodian of the Basilica of San Francesco P. Vincenzo Coli
Minister of Education Giuseppe Fioroni
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