Card Directive videophones
Who spread pictures with personal information of others not authorized - through the internet or mms - big risks, even at school: fines ranging from 3 to 18 000 €, or 5 to 30 thousand euro in more serious cases (which can be imposed by the guarantor of privacy) with disciplinary incumbent Instead the school. The autonomous schools also have the power to inhibit the establishment of regulations or impose certain precautions and appropriate use of multimedia, audio and video recordings, digital photographs inside the venue. It emphasizes the Minister of Education Giuseppe Fioroni in a directive sent to all schools, with the approval of the Supervisor of privacy.Sempre frequently happens that images and other conversations of students, teachers, people working to ' inside of the school community are, unbeknownst to them, wrongly distributed via the internet or through mutual exchanges of mms.Una uncontrolled circulation of films, recordings audio, digital photos - writes Fioroni - can lead to serious violations of the right to privacy and the protection of personal data involved, the more serious when it concerns information about the state of health, religious, political, labor or other sensitive data . consensoIl Minister of Information and makes it clear that in all these cases the code is applicable to data protection personali.In particular, are recalled the obligations of prior acquisition of the necessary information and consent by the person who collects and uses these personal data through mobile phones and other electronic devices. SanzioniL'inosservanza those obligations exposes students, or those who commit these transactions in the schools, the penalties provided by law, including the payment of a fine ranging from 3 to 18 000 Euros, or 5 to 30 thousand euro in the most personal and gravi.Uso limitiResta obviously lawful take pictures, record movies with your cell phone for personal use (for example, take a lesson the teacher for the purpose of study), but even in these cases, you must still comply with additional requirements in other rules other than those relating to privacy (for example, Article 10 of the Civil Code "abuse of other people," or, in reference to other recent news stories, Article 528 of the Criminal Code "obscene publications" .) The Minister, on the basis of current laws and rulings of the Supervisor, states that the collection, reporting and possible dissemination of images and sounds within schools should have in place, however, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms of the persons concerned , and that the image of others can be used by students only in the manner and extent permitted by the law. The powers of the schools Directive focuses on the fact that educational institutions have autonomous power in the rules of organization inhibit or impose certain precautions and appropriate use of MMS, recording audio and video, digital photos within the premises the school. The invasion of privacy is also a breach of discipline Minister recalled that the Statute for the students are entitled to the right to confidentiality and the duty to observe against the head teacher, teachers, staff and all their comrades who ask the same respect if stessi.L for 'misuse of camera phones by students, emphasizes the extent the Directive, not only constitutes an unlawful processing of personal data, but also a severe lack a disciplinary. Hence the need that such conduct is punished with severity and severity of school regulations. More training and informazioneIl ministry will cooperate with the Guarantor to promote all initiatives necessary to inform and train school principals, teachers and students on issues of privacy.
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