Saturday, December 8, 2007

How Much Is Teeth Cleaning In Edmonton

Law Directive legality

Prot No. 5843/A3 Rome, October 16, 2006 THE MINISTER

guidelines on democratic citizenship and legality
Considering the Constitution of the Italian Republic Article
VISA. 21 of Law No 59, March 15, 1997, which recognizes legal personality
to all schools and establish its independence as a guarantee of freedom
teaching and cultural pluralism;
GIVEN the Decree of the President of the Republic No. 275, 8 March 1999 that regulates
teaching autonomy, organizational and research,
experimentation and development of educational institutions;
As the international documents, recommendations of the 'UNESCO and
Community Guidelines constitute a general framework for placing the'
citizenship education and the legality and values \u200b\u200bassociated therewith, in a broader context
more educational and cultural
GIVEN the White Paper "A new impetus for European youth" presented on 21 November 2001
by the EU Commission, which considers that the participation of
young people should be encouraged by strengthening
of structures in which young people can be heard and that information is essential
the development of active citizenship;
CONSIDERING that the European Parliament in its resolution on the White Paper (OJ C 180 E, 31.7.2003
) stressed the important role played by international and European youth organizations
to enable young people to participate permanently and
actively in democratic life in Europe and to exercise, in society, a role players
as the Council of Europe has proclaimed 2005 "European Year of
democratic citizenship through education", with the '
aim to engage the educational and training institutions so that they are places of culture diffusion
legality, citizenship, of civil coexistence and sharing; VISTA
the European Commission's Communication to the Council and European Parliament
8 September 2006
efficiency and equity of education and training, essential for economic growth, employment and
social cohesion;
VIEW of the common position of the European Parliament and Council Decision adopting
, establishing for the period 2007-2013 the
Action Programme "Europe for Citizens", aimed
the promotion of active citizenship and therefore the development of a sense of belonging to a society based on
principles of freedom, democracy and respect for human rights, cultural diversity
, tolerance and solidarity, the principles stated in the Charter of Fundamental Rights
the European Union, proclaimed on 7 December 2000;
WHEREAS the widespread malaise among young people, in school and society, which
on a multitude of shapes and sizes: the 'early school leavers, the
poor school performance, learning difficulties, escape from
rules of civil and social life, giving rise to bullying, to petty,
of conflict more or less latent
view of the availability of phenomena in our country of poverty, marginalization and
lawlessness that feed the sense of insecurity and precariousness
generating an attitude of distrust of institutions and distrust in the standards
CONSIDERING that Italy has a social and economic fabric
increasingly multiethnic and multicultural strengthens need for confrontation and dialogue, and
the exercise of the right to diversity;
As these changes to social, cultural, economic and
the complexities that characterize modern societies have led to processes of innovation and transformation
significant educational systems of all countries
making it necessary to redefine the very concept of citizenship, of law and democracy
also through the recognition of the role of student
in the life of the school and community;
whereas there is a strong correlation between democracy, knowledge of
rights and obligations, justice and legal understanding, it as an instrument of freedom,
choice, participation, trust in institutions;
TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that the law takes the form of principles, shared values \u200b\u200band rules
involving the possibility of access to knowledge of rights and duties, but also participation
informed and constructive in society and the political-institutional
CONSIDERED that the school, institutional forum for education and teaching,
must take responsibility for contributing to social cohesion through
attention to the differences between generations, genders, ethnicities, languages, religions and cultures, a commitment to review the training needs of
reference area compared to the wider
national, European and world economy, the search for appropriate strategies that can
to encourage the participation of all pupils and students in their educational process
-training and life of the school community;
CONSIDERING that the culture of democracy and participation,
legality and liability of respect for oneself and of others,
cooperation and solidarity is built by experience, to live in a privileged school
WHEREAS the cultural background of young people is the result of interaction between formal and informal learning
and formal and that the culture of citizenship and legality
is the result of 'experience and knowledge acquired
even outside of school;
RESTRAINT education law an educational dimension to the cross
knowledge and pragmatic at the same time opportunities to enhance the capacity of the school
interpret and act on complex
reality of the contemporary world and understand their problems;
CONSIDERING the necessity to promote the active participation of young people in
European integration and a better understanding of cultural diversity and common values \u200b\u200bEuropean
, supporting human rights and the fight against
the racism, xenophobia and antisemitism;
WHEREAS the answers to the problems posed by today's society,
common to all countries, must invest the way of thinking and acting of all citizens and must involve a radical change
in attitudes and behaviors
individual and collective, the most significant interventions implemented to 'internal
school should involve all stakeholders in the 'education from the family;
To define the concept of democracy is closely linked with that of
citizenship, understood not only as a set of obligations that we all have, but also
in the sense that, as citizens, we must be active participants in democracy and therefore subject
responsible for teaching citizenship is, and remains,
one of the primary goals of 'education and training;
CONSIDERING that education for democracy and the rule of law is in
eagerness of the students and students of a privileged and that dirittidoveri
of citizenship takes place in compliance and participation in
of all citizens in civic life, social, political and economic
WHEREAS recognition of the differences is a value-added
democracy and the principle of equality is a cornerstone of the Constitution
Italian, as an opportunity to offer all citizens according to a logic
distribution, but as an offering individualized, taking into account the specificities and characteristics of each

ADOPTED this document address containing the guidelines and guidance on Citizenship
democracy and legality.
1) - Purpose
claims and the guidelines suggested here is
move on the path already taken by many schools that have experiences and achieve excellent
showing sensitivity to the needs of young people and adults,
commitment to innovation and educational research, ability to deal with complex phenomena
and difficult to resolve. It starts from the existing opportunities to strengthen the school
to open to the outside world, in a logic of educational community to 'internal
which students and female students are the central subject of' education and of '
The hypothesis is that the school becomes a community in which we grow on the human and cultural
, one experiences of civil society and solidarity, including in respect of individual
individuality and personal stories.
1.1 - The schools of all levels, in
autonomy and diversity of its forms, promote the conditions to ensure that the
law and democracy are a common practice in the school community and
learning processes with the aim to train people and towns
supportive and responsible, open to other cultures and free to express feelings, emotions and expectations
able to manage conflict and uncertainty and make decisions and take independent decisions
acting responsibly to affirm the values \u200b\u200bof freedom and justice
should be promoted, in this context, the opportunities for informal learning and formal
, is all 'inside of the school and outside it, and be encouraged
the interaction between formal and informal learning.
1.2 - Each school must assume the responsibility for learning and commitment to
each student and inform his work with the rules of transparency, participation and respect for
individual to develop or strengthen
in each of his actors - from Headmaster administrative staff, from teachers to students and their families
- the sense of belonging to a community
rapidly evolving demands of all citizens and especially young people
ability to listen and action, while respecting the freedom of all, in a local, national and international
as a place of relationships and knowledge of meetings
cultural and social practices of solidarity.
2) - Practical Guidelines
If legality is the value of the rule, an instrument of freedom, choice,
participation, trust in institutions and therefore also in schools, implementation of the general
it can not be based on the knowledge,
the know, the good culture. To experience the legality
to school, you need the competition of several elements: the
sharing rules, participation in choices and decisions, the sharing of knowledge and
way to go and instruments to be truly free to use
but also be able to discuss, assess and evaluate
know, how to deal with the opinions of others, knowing
open to dialogue and the relationship in a cross-cultural logic.
The school is open to the outside world, and in constant interaction with family and
all players in the territory becomes a place of encounter and exchange of reports and
occasions, multiplying the opportunities for learning and facilitating dialogue between young
and institutions, among peers, across generations and cultures, ensuring
ability to communicate in a constructive way and to place themselves in a critical but respectful of
front of the 'other.
must therefore be promoted and organizational planning skills
that schools also play in relation to specific territorial characteristics and the close connection with
families, local authorities, the territory as a whole. The construction of
synergy of action between curricular and extracurricular activities, the construction of
paths of knowledge aimed at facilitating the 'acquisition of instruments of self-judgment
el' internalization of the values \u200b\u200bof democracy, cooperation, peace,
are some of the objectives that the school is pursuing.
We move in this direction and coordination of initiatives at the institutional level
is a key condition for addressing the 'education
legality and commitments as a problem involving all actors in social
L 'institutional commitment to counter the discomfort, the' marginalization 's
exclusion, to remove a hazard with the' objective of promoting educational success for all
and each must be aligned to break the mesh that
"spider web" of silence and ignorance through which the 'illegality
draws its sap.
The recent legislation provides students with concrete tools to participate
responsibility and awareness in school life, exercising rights and duties and acting as an active
that with the same dignity as all other school subjects
3) - The POF
This is the fundamental document of every school.
contains analysis of the context in which it operates, the priorities, objectives and results
achieved, the teaching strategies and assessment be adopted, the activities to be performed, the resources available
in terms of environment, equipment, space, expertise and external collaboration
activated and activate.
The effectiveness of POF is related to the process that led to the elaboration.
Therefore, a school as a community, where you reinforce the sense of belonging
, where everyone, young, young people and adults, be well, live the
own identity, and recognize that of others, is a school that promotes a wide
planning existential and strengthening the sense of reality by investing in educational
This centrality needs to be shared by all those who work there, families, students and all
should be taken as priority, in accordance
the powers and duties of each.
4) - The welcome
is the instrument by which the school, to welcome, know and appreciate all contributions
of individual pupils, including those of different cultures and abilities. In this operation,
also the weakest and most defenseless person must feel the "expected", or rather, according to Don Milani
lesson, "the favorite." Each must find human warmth and cordiality,
must have the opportunity to be heard and have appropriate responses to their needs
must feel part of an organized and industrious.
A school that knows how to take care of the cleanliness and attractiveness of host environments
taking advantage of the creativity of students and students who, by virtue of
their own contribution, do not feel left out, should promote information and communication
; give space activities in which everyone can express themselves freely using those skills
informal and non-formal and very often are not valued
, take on tasks and functions to the community school.
5) - The organization of school life
This is about teaching, extracurricular activities, assessment, use of
spaces (laboratories, auditorium, library, gym, classrooms), the school calendar and
the class schedule, duties and functions of school personnel, communication
in the school, with families and with external actors, documentation
administrative and teaching.
All must be oriented to the quality of learning and appreciation
resources, equipment and professional, and each school has. Each component
school, as part of their duties and responsibilities, should be
and feel part of the overall organization and its functioning.
transparency, flexibility and active participation should characterize any
choice, including the one to suggest possible adjustments to be made in relation to
assessment of the organizational structure, variable
fundamental quality of each school.
L 'education in the legal premise is transverse dimension of the' full path
training and an organic part of curricular activities that may constitute
axis and provided for the training of critical autonomous pluralistic, open
knowledge, willing to face reality , to defend its identity, in
able to acknowledge, define, to live the values \u200b\u200bof democracy in
conscious way transfer the principles into everyday practice.
6) - The network of relations
The experiences of adjustment in interpersonal relationships and the role of different
generations, children, youth and adults, constitute the basic experience for
birth and development of positive attitudes towards the rules and
social practices. Therefore, the willingness to listen, by comparison, attention to
points of view, sensitivity and cultural models, participation in decision-making processes
must adjust the relationship between students and director
school students and teachers, between management and staff, including school and family.
These are the conditions for being part of a community and develop a sense of belonging
7) - The approach to knowledge
The knowledge is the foundation of knowledge and contribute to
possession of the keys to understanding the reality in its various dimensions.
discover and learn the fundamentals of the disciplines, their languages \u200b\u200band
rules that underlie the formation of knowledge is experience that develops
powers, independence of opinion, critical thinking, study methods, ability to learn and
, at the same time, promotes self-awareness and self-esteem and
directs the planning staff. They should therefore be preferred
methodologies that promote the leadership and promote the spirit of research.
8) - knowledge for the legality
Special attention needs to have for historical knowledge that gives depth to the stories
individual and the collective, which gives meaning to the present and allows you to navigate in a dimension
future. Also knowledge of the Constitution of
institutions responsible for regulating civil relations, social and economic
are essential and must be part of the cultural background of young people. The
knowledge of the social context in which young people move and act
can not ignore the knowledge of the dynamics of European and international
other languages, cultures and religions, gained through the ability to access and use of
all cultural and geographical mobility opportunities exist.
interventions will be developed on multiple levels, from the communications media, to the knowledge of the area and
's environment and will focus on issues
education in law, active citizenship, with particular attention to
European dimension. In this context it is necessary to promote opportunities for
informal and involve discussion of the various themes proposed
through the direct involvement of youth groups in the
in the city and venues. Compared to the promotion of opportunities
more structured and formal learning could take a significant centrality
ways and means to facilitate the
discussions, meetings, exchanges and involving schools, universities, youth
aggregation (eg Resource Centres created by the Objective 1 Measure 4 - National
To educate for democracy, legality, citizenship
can be used and exploited all the different forms of expression
students and female students.
9) - The evaluation
Each educational institution must give a prominent role in the evaluation of the effectiveness
, efficiency and equity of its educational service and training. Therefore
school life, the multiplicity of its size and the agents who operate
, including students and parents, should be monitored on the basis of indicators
to all the variables that promote and contribute to the learning of other students.
The reading of data will proceed with the assessment that, in this case, you
characterized as self-assessment.
Especially with regard to learning, should be given the right space to
involvement of the pupils and guides them through the reconstruction of their
school experience, self,
essential to become aware of themselves, their capabilities and especially its growth.
The secondary school level, considering the age of the students,
will find the most appropriate ways to involve students and students already in
definition of indicators covering all the factors that give effect
efficiency and the quality of the school and of learning, thus, clearly knowing
aspects and dynamics of the school situation,
learn to take responsibility for their actions, to feel a real part of a structure
learning organizations.
10) - The formation of school staff
The realization of the goals and pursue strategies to be adopted and partnerships to enable
to translate the principles of citizenship, democracy and legality in
cultural heritage of each, in behavior and way of life is linked to
involvement of all school personnel, to his sensitivity, growth
professional. To this end, the training assumes a role of primary importance
. It is anchored to the life experiences and professional individuals, to give
the cognitive tools necessary to allow for reflection on issues
more closely related to the law, intercultural education and active citizenship
, stimulate thought, orient educational research and especially teaching,
way that enriches, and produces substantial changes.
The biggest challenge involves teachers in all subject areas, which must seek
and enhance the content, methods and forms of reporting and assessment of learning
that foster greater participation and involvement of pupils
, the perception of feel good at school, the feeling of being in a community that welcomes
, which puts into practice the rules of civil and social life, which
dialogue with institutions and with civil society organizations, who can learn.
11) - Opening school families and the territory
The family and the land are two strengths that the school should not neglect
. The success of its work also depends on the degree of involvement
families, the ability to locate resources in the surrounding area,
to collaborate with the many groups that work for the legality,
understood in its broadest sense, and that working in the social fabric for young people and youth.
should give ample room for single parents or members, taking into account the realities
exist and operate in the territory, the actions carried out or under construction
(See Parent Project) strengthening the content and providing coherent, non-overlapping
, they see the 'integration of resources rather than their
E 'is necessary, therefore, encourage parental involvement with the aim of
closer to the school and enables them to participate not only Circulation
their children's schooling, but of all that the school owns and operates.
They must be given the opportunity to find the school environment
opportunity for discussion and dialogue, knowledge, participation in initiatives and activities, using the
wealth of skills that every adult has.
in this direction should be designed interventions
awareness and training aimed at fostering, including parents, on reflection
problems of young people and on issues of civic and democratic life.
same space should be given to relations with the territory, which must look to
school as a common good, such a place open to the stresses
external, available to provide space, equipment and expertise. The school, meanwhile his
must live the territory as a meeting place and knowledge, solidarity
ground, testing area. Therefore necessary to encourage all initiatives that bring students
any level outside of school, in the sense that they must confront the life
public know and experience the benefits of the association,
engage in volunteer activities. Hence the importance of building a vast network of
relations with other schools, with groups that oppose any form of
denial of human rights, volunteers, witnessing the
value of civic engagement and social and solidarity.
12) - Students el 'associations
Another element not to overlook is the promotion of youth gathering. In this
student associations and the Provincial Board of
students can make a great contribution of ideas and knowledge of youth and its
needs, awareness-raising, even for the adult world.
The school must be the reference point of these aggregations,
meet, communicate and collaborate, offering resources, spaces and tools for
meetings and initiatives.
a priority in this context must be to promote more
large projects, the ability to take a proactive role active and involved,
but also the ability to co-manage, organize, experience.
would therefore be appropriate:
! implement pilot projects to see the direct involvement of young people in
their various meeting places and through their various forms of expression

! test new intervention strategies in schools and extracurricular
, local, national and European level which will entail the involvement of
institutions, schools, the Provincial Board of
Students and Youth Associations to create shared training
education law.
13) - The European and international cooperation
A contribution to the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes that
will help young people to become citizens and to play a role in society, can
come from European and international cooperation.
Surveys conducted by the Council of Europe on education for democratic citizenship
may represent a valuable stimulus for teachers to deepen
the theoretical areas and know the many experiences of several countries belonging to the EU
addition, participation in European programs is a viable and significant opportunity to define and implement
with schools in other countries
teaching strategies aimed at the comparison between cultures and exchanges between young people and encourage intercultural dialogue
spaces that projects with a European dimension to mobility can not devote
that enrich their knowledge through direct experience and overcoming the
through a comparison with other traditions, mentalities and attitudes, stereotypes
which often form the basis of intolerance, xenophobia and racism.
14) - Actions at national, regional and provincial
Educating for legality - it 's the main objective of citizenship education -
can take many forms and a variety of aspects that go:
voluntary association, to the team of your school, theatrical activities, by 'opening
spaces of the school in the afternoon, writing shared Regulations
institution based on the principles of the Charter of Student and Student.
The Ministry of Education, promoting the natural evolution
by the 'education' to the law towards a "culture of legality as
widespread practice of the school community in which student participation becomes central
time, promotes and supports the work of educational institutions
through the implementation of the following actions: •
signing agreements and arrangements with the Ministry 's Interior, Justice and Social Policy
, with the Department for equal opportunities to implement actions
joint and coordinated in their competence, aimed at removing obstacles
conditions that favor of discomfort and denial of rights,
• establishing the National Day of Citizenship and legality in a given
to identify, in consultation with the Conference of Presidents of Regions and Autonomous Provinces
• coordinates efforts to monitor ex ante, ongoing, ex post and
assessment of school experiences, including a European dimension.
to promote their dissemination and use, in cooperation with the regional and provincial education offices
• Starts cooperation agreements with associations / organizations / institutions dealing with education
legality and fight against the mafia;
• strengthening the role and tasks of the Forum of Associations students, the Provincial Board of
students, including through more effective and robust
interaction between all the bodies of existing student representation. The
student participation in school life that is expressed not only through
forms of representation provided (from the Institute of the National Conference of
presidency of the Council) should be promoted and valued as an essential resource for determining
and start processes aware of democracy and shared. In this
framework aims to promote a closer and more fruitful contact with
European youth organizations and identify tools and strategies aimed at promoting the
' young people's access to opportunities for study and exchange of mobility and transnational cooperation
• promotes a culture of participation and collaboration through
the involvement of associations of students, parents, social workers, public and private institutions
operating in 'field of the promotion of legality and
defense of victims of' illegality of 'injustice and tyranny;
• provides, considering the complexity of the issues, the establishment of
working groups at national and regional (inside of which give space to the provincial Council
of students, parents' associations, representatives of
Bodies) to ensure concrete actions such as:
- regular meetings and discussions also virtual (eg construction of a "horizontal portal"
representing the meeting point of the working groups national and regional);
- "intranet" service aimed at creating a constant exchange and updated
information between partners and to remotely manage all stages of work;
The central offices, regional and provincial Ministry, in each '
scope of their skills, support educational institutions in the form and the mode of sharing and
with tools that aid coordination.
Giuseppe Fioroni


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